MLPs Flashcards
Who came up with NETtalk?
Sejnowski & Rosenberg, 1987
What does NETtalk do?
The task is to learn to pronounce English text from examples (text-to-speech)
What is the training data for NETtalk?
a list of
What are the inputs and outputs of NETtalk?
Input: 7 consecutive characters from written text presented in a
moving window that scans text
Output: phoneme code giving the pronunciation of the letter at the
center of the input window
Describe the network topology of NETtalk
7x29 binary inputs (26 chars + punctuation marks),
80 hidden units and
26 output units (phoneme code).
Sigmoid units in hidden and output layer
What is the activation function of the hidden and output layers of NETtalk?
Sigmoid units in hidden and output layer
What is the accuracy of NETtalk after 50 epochs?
Training protocol: 95% accuracy on training set after 50 epochs
of training by full gradient descent. 78% accuracy on a test set
Give example of another MLP similar to NETtalk
Give 3 examples of MLPs
NETtalk : converts text to speech (English)
ALVINN: Autonomous Land Vehicle In a Neural Network
Falcon: Frauds detection in credit card transactions
Why is adding layers in multi-layer networks harmful?
– OVERFITTING: the increased number of weights quickly leads to data
overfitting (lack of generalization)
– SGD trap: huge number of (bad) local minima trap the gradient descent
– Vanishing or exploding gradients (the update rule involves
products of many numbers) cause additional problems
Why do we need deeper layers?
With one hidden layer, the number of required nodes and weights grows exponentially fast
The deeper the network the fewer nodes are required to model “complicated” functions