How does ECOA differ from the Fair Housing Act?
FHA includes family status and handicap
2. FHA does NOT include CCPA and public assistance income
How many years is the statute of limitations for ECOA actions?
When do you receive the copy of an appraisal?
Within 3 business days of application (if borrower receives Adverse Action, borrower gets appraisal within 30 days)
How many days to receive disclosures regarding monitoring programs?
Within 3 days of application
What is the LAR?
Loan application register (spreadsheet to report HMDA data)
What is the MSA?
Metropolitan Statistical Area (pop over 50,000)
protects consumers from excessive costs/fees, and allows them to shop for settlement services
What is section 6 of RESPA
Transfer of Servicing
How many days notice do you need to give when servicers are being transferred?
After how many days are borrowers considered late when making payments to their older servicer?
What is section 8 of RESPA
No kickbacks/referral fees
What is section 10 of RESPA
How many days to receive an initial escrow statement
within 45 days
How many months cushion can an escrow account demand?
2 months or 1/6 annual escrows
What RESPA disclosure is included for purchases only?
Settlement Costs Book