MLG Flashcards
What are specific attributes to MLG?
Permanently organized grouping of functional components that provides logistics support above the capability of supported units to all units of the MEF. They are deployed as a MLB or MLG forward.
What is direct support?
Force to support a specific force and to answer directly to that force
What is CSS?
The essential capabilities, functions, activities, and tasks
necessary to sustain all elements of operating forces in theater at all levels of war on the
what is Limited Technical Inspection (LTI)?
Equipment inspections that are limited in scope and
What is Table of Authorized Material?
A source document of information for logistics planning
with selected material authorized for use.
What is Table of Equipment?
A document listing the equipment which a unit is required to possess
What is logistics?
The science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces
What are the three levels of logistic support?
Tactical, Operational, Strategic
What is strategic support?
The level of war at which a nation
develops and uses national resources to accomplish those specific objectives
What is operational support?
The level of war at which campaigns and major operations are planned, conducted, and sustained
What is tactical support?
The level of war at which battles, and engagements are planned and executed to accomplish military objectives.
What are the six functional areas of tactical logistics
supply, maintenance, Transportation, General Engineering, Health services, and services.
What are the seven principals of logistic support?
Responsiveness, Simplicity, Economy, Flexibility, Attainability, Sustainability, Survivability.
What is War reserve material?
ssion-essential principal end items, secondary items, and
munitions required to attain operational objectives in the scenarios authorized for sustainability planning and other stockage objectives approved for programming.
What is Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF):
Reflects brigade-sized unit deployment/MEF
employment utilizing Military Sealift Command.
What is General Support?
Support which is given to the supported force as a whole and not to any particular subdivision thereof.
What is Task Organization?
An organization which assigns the means to accomplish assigned tasks in any planned action to responsible commanders.