MLC 2 Flashcards
What is marriageability?
Whether a person is marriageable or not
Possessing emotional health
Having the characteristics to engage another in an intimate relationship
Can they relate to anyone at all?
Issue of state or trait
Godwin in “unsafe people:
(Reasonable; help them out if their traps)
(Moderately unsafe/disordered: limit their influence)
(Significantly unsafe/disordered: pursue necessary self protection)
What is comparability?
Seemed marriageable- could be in a significant intimate relationship with someone else
Issues: degree & types of differences
Ease of adjusting differences
State or trait
Godwin’s “reasonableness and relatively safe people
The influence and makeup of individuality
- family constellation
- Self or general well-being
- Psychological factors
- Gender factors
- Life experiences (other than FOO)
Family of origin
Modeling vs. crucible
Residuals and Baggage “sensitivities”
Beliefs, values, expectations, and rules of “right and wrong”
Family constellation (first child, middle child, baby)
Epigentic development issues
(Ego identity and sense of self)
Systemic similarities: Minuchin and Bowen
Personality extremes
Psychological factors
Temperamental type
Influence and makeup of individuality
Gender factors Stereotypes (gender typical statements) Proliferation of “differences” Are men and women really that different? Nurture vs. nature Gender roles (Who decides what for whom) (Harvey: “If you can effectively define a role, you can also effectively exercise control”) (Clients: 1. “It’s a spiritual issue”; 2. Guilt and shame)
Life experiences (other than FOO)
Culture Environmental Educational Trauma Others
Emotional Tone— what is it?
“Want to” in marriage
- Significance of emotional tone
- Assessing intimacy (PAIR)
- The couple interview
Emotional tone significance
- How love does
- The importance of emotional tone
- Process of deterioration
Barometer of emotional status
What contributed to marital disaffection?
The relationship to resistance in the couple
DeShazer: explicit and implicit levels
DeShazer on Emotional Tone
4 questions
- On a scale of 1 (very little) to 10 (a lot), how much do you want this marriage?
- What is keeping you two together?
- What do you (husband/wife) think your (wife/husband) thinks your greatest value is to him/her?
- How satisfied are you with the frequency/ quality of your sex life?
The process of deterioration
(Kayser) marital disaffection phases: 1. Disappointment 2. Between disappointment and disaffection 3. Reaching disaffection (Harvey) cycle of hopelessness: 1. Unacceptable behavior 2. A pattern of behavior 3. Progressives deterioration Real danger with hopelessness and disaffection: 1. The spouse “gives up” 2. 4 stages of hopelessness