MLB Nicknames Flashcards
Learn all of your favorite MLB players' nicknames!
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Hank Aaron
“Hammer,” “Hammerin’ Hank”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Grover Cleveland
“Old Pete”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Johnny Bench
“Little General”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Lawrence Berra
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Wade Boggs
“Chicken Man”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Lou Brock
“The Franchise”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Steve Carlton
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Roberto Clemente
“Arriba,” “Bob”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Ty Cobb
“The Georgia Peach”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Joe DiMaggio
“The Yankee Clipper,” “Joltin’ Joe”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Don Drysdale
“Big D”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Bob Feller
“Rapid Robert,” “The Heater from Van Meter”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Carlton Fisk
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Edward Ford
“Whitey,” “The Chairman of the Board,” “Slick”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Frankie Frisch
“The Fordham Flash”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Lou Gehrig
“The Iron Horse”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Reggie Jackson
“Mr. October”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Travis Jackson
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Cal Ripken, Jr.
“Iron Man”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Phil Rizzuto
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Hammer,” “Hammerin’ Hank”
Hank Aaron
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Old Pete”
Grover Cleveland
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Little General”
Johnny Bench
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Lawrence Berra
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Chicken Man”
Wade Boggs
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Franchise”
Lou Brock
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Steve Carlton
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Arriba,” “Bob”
Roberto Clemente
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Georgia Peach”
Ty Cobb
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“The Yankee Clipper,” “Joltin’ Joe”
Joe DiMaggio
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Big D”
Don Drysdale
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Rapid Robert,” “The Heater from Van Meter”
Bob Feller
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Carlton Fisk
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Whitey,” “The Chairman of the Board,” “Slick”
Edward Ford
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Fordham Flash”
Frankie Frisch
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Iron Horse”
Lou Gehrig
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Mr. October”
Reggie Jackson
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Travis Jackson
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Iron Man”
Cal Ripken, Jr.
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Phil Rizzuto
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
George Herman Ruth, Jr.
“Babe,” “The Bambino,” “Sultan of Swat,” “Colossus of Clout”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Nolan Ryan
“The Ryan Express”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Mike Schmidt
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Tom Seaver
“Tom Terrific,” “The Franchise”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Don Sutton
“Black & Decker”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Ted Williams
“Kid,” “Thumper,” “Teddy Ballgame,” “The Spendid Splinter”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
George Maddux
“Mad Dog”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Roger Clemens
“The Rocket”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Daisuke Matsusaka
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
David Ortiz
“Big Papi”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Jonnie Baker, Jr.
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Vincent Edward Jackson
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Joe Jackson
“Shoeless Joe”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
George Metkovich
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Frank Thomas
“Big Hurt”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
David Wells
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Orel Hershiser
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Cecil Fielder
“Big Daddy”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Lance Berkman
“Big Puma,” “Fat Elvis”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Randy Johnson
“Big Unit”
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Babe,” “The Bambino,” “Sultan of Swat,” “Colossus of Clout”
George Herman Ruth, Jr.
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Ryan Express”
Nolan Ryan
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Mike Schmidt
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Tom Terrific,” “The Franchise”
Tom Seaver
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Black & Decker”
Don Sutton
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Kid,” “Thumper,” “Teddy Ballgame,” “The Spendid Splinter”
Ted Williams
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Mad Dog”
Greg Maddux
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Rocket”
Roger Clemens
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Daisuke Matsusaka
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Big Papi”
David Ortiz
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Jonnie Baker, Jr.
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Vincent Edward Jackson
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Shoeless Joe”
Joe Jackson
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
George Metkovich
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Big Hurt”
Frank Thomas
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
David Wells
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Orel Hershiser
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Big Daddy”
Cecil Fielder
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Big Puma,” “Fat Elvis”
Lance Berkman
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Big Unit”
Randy Johnson
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Johnny Damon
“The Caveman,” “Judas”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Tom Gordon
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Joakim Soria
“The Mexicutioner”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Don Baylor
“Groove,” “The Sneak Thief”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Charles Theodore Davis
“Chili,” “Chili Bowl”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Harold Reese
“Pee Wee”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Torii Hunter
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Lenny Dykstra
“Nails,” “The Dude”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Willie Mays
“The Say-Hey Kid”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Orlando Hernandez
“El Duque”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Lee Mazzilli
“The Italian Stallion”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Mike Piazza
“Pizza Man”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Francisco Rodriguez
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Derek Jeter
“Mr. November,” “Captain Clutch”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Don Mattingly
“Donnie Baseball”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Mickey Mantle
“The Mick,” “The Commerce Comet,” “Muscles”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Alex Rodriguez
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Melky Cabrera
“The Melk Man,” “Leche”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Mariano Rivera
“The Sandman,” “Mo”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Rickey Henderson
“Man of Steal”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Roy Halladay
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Garry Maddox
“The Secretary of Defense”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Jimmy Rollins
“J-Roll,” “Wishlist”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Shane Victorino
“The Flyin’ Hawaiin,” “The Maui Wowie”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Stan Musial
“Stan the Man”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Ozzie Smith
“The Wizard of Oz”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Tim Lincecum
“The Freak”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Lou Piniella
“Sweet Lou”
Name the following MLB player’s nicknames:
Jose Canseco
“Parkway Joe,” “The Chemist”
Name the following MLB player’s nickname:
Nick Markakis
“Nick the Stick”
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“The Caveman,” “Judas”
Johnny Damon
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Tom Gordon
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Mexicutioner”
Joakim Soria
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Groove,” “The Sneak Thief”
Don Baylor
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Chili,” “Chili Bowl”
Charles Theodore Davis
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Pee Wee”
Harold Reese
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Torii Hunter
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Nails,” “The Dude”
Lenny Dykstra
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Say-Hey Kid”
Willie Mays
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“El Duque”
Orlando Hernandez
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Italian Stallion”
Lee Mazzilli
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Pizza Man”
Mike Piazza
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Francisco Rodriguez
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Mr. November,” “Captain Clutch”
Derek Jeter
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Donnie Baseball”
Don Mattingly
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“The Mick,” “The Commerce Comet,” “Muscles”
Mickey Mantle
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Alex Rodriguez
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“The Melk Man,” “Leche”
Melky Cabrera
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“The Sandman,” “Mo”
Mariano Rivera
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Man of Steal”
Rickey Henderson
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
Roy Halladay
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Secretary of Defense”
Garry Maddox
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“J-Roll,” “Wishlist”
Jimmy Rollins
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“The Flyin’ Hawaiin,” “The Maui Wowie”
Shane Victorino
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Stan the Man”
Stan Musial
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Wizard of Oz”
Ozzie Smith
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“The Freak”
Tim Lincecum
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Sweet Lou”
Lou Piniella
Name the MLB player with the following nicknames:
“Parkway Joe,” “The Chemist”
Jose Canseco
Name the MLB player with the following nickname:
“Nick the Stick”
Nick Markakis