MLB Flashcards
47’11” w/o rub rail
48’11” with rub rail
14’ w/o rub rail
15’ w/ rub rail
At shaft strut extensions
Bow 6’8”
Recess 2’2”
Transom 7’1”
Fixed 18’6” Radar
Unfixed 28’4” HF antenna
Detroit Diesel 6V92TA w/ DDEC (Six cyl, 92 cu in per cyl, turbo, aftercooled) Right-hand rotating 12 gal j/w 5.5 gal l/o (40wt)
435 bhp @ 2100 rpm
Reduction Gear
Reintjes WVS 234 UP 2:1 u-configuration 7.1 gal l/o 140*-176* Cooled by r/w 58-66 psi neutral, 230-290 psi engaged Come-home feature manually locks clutch
Fuel load
394 gal 373 gal (95%)
Take up 2” above bottom
40,000 lbs
Boat w/ fuel and outfit, no crew or cargo
Electrical generation
Dual alternators
Four blade, fixed 28" dia x 36" pitch Fr 1 2.5" shaft exits hull between fr 3 and 4 Line cutters
Potable water
5 gal
Maximum personnel
34 including crew
Seas 30’, 20’ breaking surf
Winds 50 kt
200 nm range in calm water
50 nm offshore
RPM and Speed
1850 cruising 20 kts
2100 max 25 kts
Ice Breaking
Light surface ice
150 displacement tons w/ 3 1/4”
50 displacement tons w/ 2”
Hull type
Deep-V planing
Hull material
5456 marine grade aluminum
Bilge pump discharges
Fr 11, stbd: fwd compartment
Fr 9, port: aux space
Fr 3, port and stbd: engine room
Transom: lazarette
Transducer location
Between fr 7 and 8, to port of f/o tank
Speed log location
Between fr 7 and 8, to stbd of f/o tank
R/w valves
Between fr 4 and 5, either side of the keel
Under e/r step
Between fr 1 and 2
Rudder post location
Between fr 1 and transom
Frames and spaces
Lazarette: transom to fr 1 Engine room: fr 1 to 5 Survivors compartment: fr 5 to 8 Aux space: fr 8 to 10 Fwd compartment: fr 10 to 15 For' peak: fr 15 to bow Enclosed bridge: fr 8 to 10
For’ peak
Water tight hatch
Sluice plug accessible from fwd comp
Naturally ventilated w/ 2” check vent
Forward compartment
QAWTH @ fr 15, stbd side
T-handle in port fwd deck locker
Naturally ventilated by dorade vent
Bilge pumps
33 gpm Fwd comp: 1, stbd side at fr 10 Aux: 1, stbd side @ fr 8 Survivors compartment: 2, bkhd 5, r/g space Engine room: 2, bkhd 5, fr 1-2 Lazarette: 1
Aux Space
Electrical breaker panels (12v, 24v, 120v, inverter/charger, 4x 8D batteries)
HVAC pumps
Air compressor for horn and emergency window release
2x 25 lb CO2 bottles
Survivors compartment
Five seats 5 gal potable water, 2 hot cups, and sink Stokes litter and EMT kit Extinguishers: 5lb CO2, 10lb PKP Emergency fuel c/o valves Toe reel breaker above stbd window
28v, 220 amp, Balmar
Engine room
F/o valves: between fr 4 and 5
F/o filters: primary 30 micron, secondary less than 10
2 bilge pumps: bkhd 5 and fr 1-3
Tool box
Rudder posts Tie rod Rudder angle indicator sending unit Servo power cylinder between stbd tiller and centerline Naturally ventilated by 2" check vent
Steering system
2 gal Tellus T-15 hydraulic oil
6.5 gpm gear pump attached to each engine
Electric pump for autopilot at bkhd 2
Hydraulic fluid reservoir, filter, and cooler on stbd side
1/2 to 3/4 full, 20-30psi head pressure
Servo connects to stbd
Enclosed bridge
Charts and nav kit Electronic Display Modules (EDM) Radios (HF, VHF, UHF, direction finder) Hailer Chart plotter w/ radar, depth sounder, GPS 12 Windows (back two corner EWRS) CO2 actuator below throttles HVAC Bilge pump/alarm panel Nav light panel 5lb CO2 and 10lb PKP
Deck fittings
Bitts: fr 16-17, 12, 8-9, 2-3
Chocks: fr 14, 9-10, 3-4, 1-2
Tow bitt: fr 2, 30” high
Bullnose and anchor bitt
Foot lights
3 per side
Top of recess steps and in recess
Life rings
Open bridge
19lb Fortress anchor (Danforth type) 2lb mud fluke 300 ft 2.25" DBN 9 ft 3/8" SS chain 3/8" swivel and 2 shackles, moused
Alongside lines
2x 25’
2x 50’
2x 25’
2x 50’
Damage control
50’ fire hose w/ vari-nozzle (P-6)
6’ de-watering suction hose (P-6)
DC kit in port side box in fwd comp with hand pump
Raw water
F/o cooler (below 90*) J/w cooler R/g oil cooler Steering cooler Exhaust cooling and quieting
CO2 fire suppression system
2x 25lb bottles located in aux
Activate from 1 enclosed bridge, 2 survivors comp, 3 manually rotate valve
30 second delay (override in survivors comp)
Pressure switch 1: siren, light, e-stops, 30sec delay
Bilge flooding alarms
Laz, engine room, survivors comp x2, aux, fwd comp U/w: 8 sec horn Moored: continuous horn Alarm & 5" Auto bilge pump @ 10"
Time to self-right
8 to 10 seconds
Time to self-right
8 to 10 seconds