MLA Jeopardy Flashcards
The author’s name is included in the paragraph to alert the reader of the title of the author’s work.
What is a signal phrase?
There is a signal phrase, and a number comes at the end of the paraphrase or direct quotation in two parentheses.
What is a parenthetical?
This phrase is when the writing uses the author’s own words.
What is a direct quotation?
This phrase is the author’s idea, but the writer inserts his/her own words.
What is a paraphrase?
This is what the list of sources at the end of a paper in MLA is called.
What is a works cited page?
Within the works cited entry, this is the source where one would find a compilation of articles, book chapters, or essays.
What is the container?
This comes first in the author’s information for the works cited page entry.
What is the author’s last name?
This comes second in the author’s information for the works cited entry.
What is a comma?
In a parenthetical citation, this punctuation is not included in MLA.
What is a comma?
This direct quotation is more that five lines, so the formatting you would use is…
What is blocking?
MLA format follows the ______ method of in-text citation.
What is author-page?
This is the year that the work was published.
What is the copyright date?
MLA style is typically reserved for writers and students preparing manuscripts in various ________ disciplines.
What are the humanities?
These punctuation marks open and close a direct quotation when it is part of the paragraph and consists of fewer than five lines.
What are quotation marks?
The titles of containers such as books, magazines, journals, and albums use this punctuation to denote that they are containers.
What are italics?
In a blocked quotation, this punctuation appears directly after the quotation and before the parenthetical.
What is a period?
This form of punctuation is not needed in blocking.
What are open and closed quotation marks?
If you need to use quotation marks within a direct quotation you use this.
What are single quotation marks?
All entries on the works cited page must be arranged in _____________ order.
What is alphabetical?
When using a direct quotation, a writer should always __________ on the direct quotation before moving on. Begins with a C. This guarantees that the writer’s voice is always heard.
What is a comment?