ML TCU and ML ENR Procedures Flashcards
Maximum Delay for intercontinental arrivals?
5 minute maximum delay.
Obtain MFL approval for:
All VFR Flights,
All Transiting IFR Aircraft
All AV arrivals not tracking via BOYSE/LIZZI
Non-Coordination requirements for YMML Arrivals?
a) Maintaining A090 or Assigned descent to A090
b) Tracking Via a STAR
Non-Coordination requirements for YMEN Arrivals?
a) Maintaining A090 or assigned descent to reach A090 by 20NM ML
b) Tracking direct COLDS then PLE-EN
c) or Direct PLE then EN remaining on or between LACEY-COLDS-PLE and WAREN-PLE.
Non-Coordination requirements for YMMB Arrivals?
a) Maintaining A090 or assigned descent to reach A090 by 20NM MB
b) Tracking direct MB remaining on or between the Lacey-MB and Waren-MB tracks.
Requirements for aircraft arriving at YMAV?
For YMAV arrivals via BOYSE/LIZZI:
a) Issue STAR JAYBI [number] ML Transition
b) Enter 55 in Runway Field; and
c) Coordinate the Assigned level to MAE by 60NM ML:
i) at or above FL150, the lowest assignable level is FL150; or
ii) Below FL150, maintaining A090 or assigned descent to reach A090 by 20NM ML.
Distance at which pilots must be asked if they can accept a new STAR?
Jets: 120NM
Non-Jet: 70NM
Issue the ALPHA STAR R34 to which aircraft?
a) All aircraft when ‘Expect instrument approach’ is on the ATIS
b) All Heavy and Super Jet Aircraft (except AU/NZ Operators).
c) Aus/NZ B747/A380s.
What aircraft will be assigned what speed from the feeder fix when assigned delay?
Jets + DH8D: 250kt
Props: Published speed.
Coordination is not required from ML TCU to ELW when…
a) Aircraft are within the Peart-MNG through to ML-Ebony arc, and
b) Either Below FL240, or
c) Assigned FL240 when RFL=240+.
What are the conditions for aircraft on Peart-MNG track to remain separated from R350/351?
a) On or east of the Peart-MNG track, and tracking to the MNG VOR.
b) Instruct aircraft not on SID to track direct to MNG VOR