ML - Social Liberalism Flashcards
What was there a growth in in most western states in the 20th century?
State intervention
What form did much of the intervention take?
Social welfare
What did many modern states become in the 20th century?
Welfare states
What three things did government seek to achieve?
National efficiency
More healthy work forces
A stronger army
Why were governments coming under electoral pressure?
For social reform from newly enfranchised industrial workers
Which type of liberals have made the case for social welfare?
Modern liberals
Why do classical liberals not support social welfare?
They believe in the virtues of self help and individual responsibility
On what basis do modern liberals support welfarism?
On the basis of equality of opportunity
What do modern liberals say about the social responsibility of the state?
State has a social responsibility to reduce or remove disadvantages to create more equal life chances
What was the expanded welfare state in the UK based off?
The Beveridge Report of 1942
What did the Beveridge report say the 5 big social evils were?
Poverty Ignorance Disease Squalor Idleness
What did the Beveridge report say the state should do?
Protect its citizens from the cradle to the grave
When was social liberalism further developed?
In the second half of the 20th century
Who was an advocate of social liberalism?
John Rawls
How is social democratic liberalism distinguished?
By its support for relative social equality
How did Rawls develop a defence of redistribution and welfare?
The idea of “equality as fairness”
What did Rawls argue about social position?
If people were unaware of their social position and circumstances they would view an egalitarian society as a fairer one than an inegalitarian one
What is the difference principle that Rawls proposed?
Said social and economic inequalities should be arranged so as to benefit the least well off, recognising the need for some measure of inequality to provide an incentive to work
How does such a theory of justice remain liberal rather than socialist?
It is still rooted in assumptions about egoism and self interest rather than social solidarity