ML Lesson 20 Flashcards
What is an ordinance?
a law made by a town government
What does ostentatious mean?
to display wealth or knowledge to make others envious
What does ostracize mean?
to exclude someone from a group by common consent
What is an ottoman?
a soft footstool
What is a pacifist?
someone who is against war
What does paltry mean?
to have a very small amount
What does parch mean?
to make something very dry and hot
What does parsimonious mean?
to not want to spend money
What does peddle mean?
to sell something in small amounts
What is a pedometer?
a machine that tracks how much you’ve walked per day
What does pensive mean?
to be sad and thoughtful
What does penultimate mean?
to be next to last
What does perilous mean?
to be full of danger
What does permeable mean?
to be penetrable
What does pernicious mean?
to cause great harm or damage
What is perpetuity?
What does pertinent mean?
relating to the thing that was being discussed
What does peruse mean?
to look in a relaxed way
What does pessimistic mean?
a lack of hope in the future
What does petty mean?
to be unimportant