ML Lesson 18 Flashcards
What does maudlin mean?
to express too much emotion in a foolish way
What does meager mean?
to be lacking in quantity
What does meander mean?
to have a lot of curves
What does meddlesome mean?
to meddle in activities
What does meek mean?
to not want to argue
What does melancholic mean?
to have a very gloomy mood
What is a mendicant?
someone who lives off by asking for food and money
What is a merit?
a character or conduct deserving reward
What does mesmerize mean?
to hold the attention of someone entirely
What is a metamorphosis?
a major change
What does meticulous mean?
to be very careful about doing something in a very neat way
What does mince mean?
to cut or chop something into small pieces
What is a minutiae?
a very minor detail
What is a misanthrope?
a person who dislikes humankind
What does misconstrue mean?
to interpret wrongly
What is a misdemeanor?
a crime that is not serious
What is a miser?
someone who hates to spend money
What does mitigate mean?
to make something less harsh
What does mnemonic mean?
to intend to help with memory
What does mousy mean?
`to be shy and quiet