ML Flashcards
Learning definition
“Learning is any process by which a system improves performance from experience.”
ML definition
Machine Learning is the study of algorithms that:
* improve their performance P
* at some task T
* with experience E
A well-defined learning task is given by <P, T, E>.
Difference btwn traditional programming and ML
Why is ML needed?
Skills required for ML
Machine Learning requires:
- Mathematics
- Algorithms
- Programming
Otherwise, you may just use it as a black box
Steps 2 design ML system
- Formulating the problem (the learning task)
- Data collection
- Features extraction
- Choosing the suitable class of learning model
- Training the model
- Model evaluation
Types of ML
Supervised Learning:
- Given: training data + desired outputs (labels)
- Unsupervised Learning:
- Given: training data (without labels)
- Reinforcement Learning:
- Given: observations and periodic rewards as the agent takes sequential action in an
What is supervised learning
Types of supervised learning
Real life examples of regression
- Medical field: understanding the relationship between drug dosage and the blood pressure of
patients. - Agriculture field: measuring the effect of fertilizer and water on crop yields.
- Businesses: understanding the relationship between advertising spending and revenue.
- Real Estate Industry: predicting house prices while considering some features such as the area
of the house, the number of rooms, the view, etc.
Regression algorithms
- Linear Regression
- Regression Trees
- Random Forest
- K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
- Support Vector Regression (SVR)
classification algorithms
- Logistic Regression
- K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
- Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- Decision Trees
evaluation matrices 4 regression
- Mean Absolute Error
- Mean Squared Error
- Root Mean Squared Error
- Explained Variance
evaluation matrices 4 classification
- True positives:
- True negatives:
- False positives:
- False negatives:
formulas of mean squared error; accuracy; precision; recall
mse = 1/all*sum(true-pred)^2
accuracy = correct prediction / all
precision = TP/TP+FP
recall = TP/TP+FN