Mkting Intelligence Flashcards
What is the importance of mkt intelligence?
- need to gain insights on customer needs and wants, and satisfy them
- provide accurate info to reduce risk and make good decisions
- serve as a basis for bizs to forecast sales
How to understand the customer?
- understand tastes and preferences
- reactions to price changes
- effectiveness of advertising and promotional campaigns
What are the benefits of understanding the customers?
- Reduced risks associated with new pdt launches -> conduct research to investigate potential demand for a new pdt. With that, the biz can assess the likelihood of a new pdt achieving satisfactory sales
- Predict future demand changes -> can determine the impact on sales by external factors affecting customers
- Determine the most favoured aspect of pdt -> can determine the aspects and performance rated most highly by consumers. These features would be incorporated into the final pdt + determine the most effective promotional method by trying out different versions of proposed advertisements
What is sales forecasting?
- predicting future sales levels and sales trends using statistical methods
- based on past sales data, industry-wide comparisons and economic trends
What are the benefits of sales forecasting?
Benefits the whole biz, allows for advance planning and avoid impact caused by demand changes
How does sales forecasting benefits the whole business?
Mkting dept -> with an accurate sales forecast, I can know how many products to sell and distribute
Operations team -> with accurate sales forecast, we can decide the qty to produce and the qty of raw materials to purchase to support the production
Finance team -> to project costs and profits and determine how much money is required to support the operations of the biz
How does sales forecasting allow for advance planning?
Sales forecasting ensures that a business thinks ahead about how it plans to monitor and track sales beyond the current period. Through this, the mgt of the biz could make decisions on biz strategies.
How does sales forecasting avoid impact caused by demand change?
Sales forecasting based on prior sales results and mgt experience reduce the chances of the company being blindsided by a surge or drop in demand. For example, if the mgt notices a seasonal pattern in sales, it can hire or reduce staff accordingly
What are the limitations of sales forecasting?
- Dependence on historical data -> if the company is relatively new, the business would have limited data available for sales forecasting and past results are not always indicative of future sales results
- difficulty in predicting consumer preferences -> consumer tastes and preferences may vary. This makes the prediction hard to gauge
- impact of external influences -> due to complex and dynamic external factor s that can influence the sales performance of biz, precise sales forecasting is impossible to achieve
What is primary research?
Collection of first-hand data directly relevant to the needs of the business
What is secondary research?
The collection, use and analysis of second-hand data that already exists
What are the methods of primary research?
Focus groups, observation and recording, test marketing and consumer surveys
What is focus group?
- a discussion group where people are asked about their attitude towards a product, advertisement or packaging
- commonly used to obtain feedback about new products, brand names or advertisements before they are launched
- considered more realistic and accurate than interviews and surveys
What are the limitations of focus group?
- difficult to generalise from results due to small sample size
- participants may not always be honest and open in front of others
- existence of peer pressure
All these would undermine the reliability and therefore the accuracy of the data collected
What is observation and recording?
- Observe relevant people, actions and situations
- observe customer behaviour to gather insights that cannot be obtained from questionnaires or surveys
What are the strengths and limitations of observation and recording?
Strengths: reduces the risk of a new product launch failing completely and avoids the subjective element that is present when people are interviewed
Weaknesses: feelings, attitudes and intentions cannot be observed and difficult to observe Long-term behaviour
What is test marketing?
- Involves promoting and selling a limited qty of a new product to a limited geographical area before a full-scale launch is made
- consumer initial reactions and preliminary sales figure will be recorded
What are the strengths and limitations of test marketing?
Strengths: reduces the risk of a new product launch falling completely
Weaknesses: not always completely accurate if the total population does not share the same characteristics and preferences as the region selected
What are consumer surveys?
- asking potential consumers for their opinions and preferences
- widely used for gathering descriptive info
What are the strengths and limitations of consumer surveys?
Strengths: flexible to gather different info in various situations
Limitations: respondents cannot remember or have never thought about the answer, unwilling to reveal private info, trying to appear smarter or well-informed and provide agreeable answers
What are the advantages of primary research?
- recent and updated
- collected for specific purpose, relevant to what biz requires
- confidential and no other biz has access to info
What are the disadvantages of primary research?
- expensive and costly
- time-consuming
- doubts over accuracy and validity -> due to use of sampling which might not be representative of the whole pope
What are the sources of secondary research?
Govt publications, libraries, trade organisations, market intelligence reports, newspapers and specialist publications, internal biz records and internet
What are the advantages of secondary research?
- obtained cheaply and quickly
- identifies nature of market and helps with the planning of primary research
- allows from comparison of data across sources
What are the disadvantages of secondary research?
- Not updated frequently, hence out of date
- may be collected for another purpose, and not entirely suitable for biz
- methods and accuracy unknown
- info may not exist for new products