MKT 310- Exam 1 Flashcards
consumers are interested primarily in product availability at low prices
the production concept
the behavior that consumers display in searching & purchasing, using & evaluating, disposing of products/ services
consumer behavior
the individual who buys goods and services for:
- his or her own use
- for household use
- for the use of a family member
- for a friend
personal consumer- B2B
the production concept marketing objectives: (3)
- cheap, efficient production
- intensive distribution
- market expansion
consumers will buy the product that offers them the highest quality, the best performance, and the most features
the product concept
the product concept marketing objectives: (2)
- quality improvement
- addition of features
consumers are unlikely to buy a product unless they are aggressively persuaded to do so
the selling concept
the selling concept marketing objectives: (1)
sell in the short term
the marketing concept marketing objectives: (2)
- make what you can sell
- focus on buyer’s needs and wants
a company must determine:
- the needs and wants of specific target markets
- deliver the desired satisfactions better than the competition
the marketing concept
the ratio between perceived benefits & resources
customer value
the individual’s perception of the performance of the product or service in relation to his or her expectations
customer satisfaction
a business, government agency, or other institutions (profit or nonprofit) that buy goods, services, and/or equipment necessary for the organization to function
organizational consumer
The objective of providing value is to retain highly satisfied customers
- loyal customers are key
customer retention
____ are the essence of the marketing concept
(marketers do not create but can make consumers aware of it)
physiological needs that are considered primary needs or motives
- ex: food, water, air, shelter
innate needs
learned in response to our culture or environment. are generally psychological and considered secondary needs
- ex: ego or social needs
acquired needs
general categories of goals that consumers see as a way to fulfill their needs
generic goals
specifically branded products or services that consumers select as their goals
product-specific goals
What type of focus:
people interested in their growth and development, have more hopes and aspirations
- more projected for the future
- product category
promotion focus
what type of focus:
people interested on safety and security, are more concerned with duties and obligations
prevention focus
consumers select goals based on totally objective criteria such as size, weight, price, or miles per gallon
rationality motives
(more educated people)
the selection of goals according to personal or subjective criteria
emotional motives
physiological needs
safety & security needs
social needs
ego needs
self- actualization
Bottom to top
maslow’s hierarchy of needs
unconscious needs or drives are at the heart of human motivation
what theory?
freudian theory
- we seek goals to overcome feeling of inferiority
- we continually attempt to establish relationships with others to reduce tensions
Neo-Freudian Personality Theory
social relationships are fundamental to the formation and development of personality
what theory?
Neo-Freudian personality theory
Distinctive patterns of behavior, thoughts, emotions that characterize individual’s adaptation to situations of life
quantitative approach to personality as a set of psychological traits
trait theory
warehouse of primitive or instinctual needs for which individual seek immediate satisfaction
(freudian theory)
individual’s internal expression of society’s moral and ethical codes of conduct
- satisfy the Id without breaking morals
- all levels of consciousness
(freudian theory)
individual’s conscious control that balances the demands of the id and superego
(freudian theory)
focuses on child-parent relationships and desires to conquer feelings of anxiety
Karen Horney’s theory
- compliant move toward others, they desire to be loved, wanted, and appreciated
- aggressive move against others
- detached move away from others
karen horneys theory 3 personality groups
- personality theory with a focus on psychological characteristics
- trait is any distinguishing, relatively enduring way in which one individual differs from another
trait theory
a personal value that reflects the importance a consumer places on the acquisition and possession of material objects
consumer materialism
Somewhere between materialism and compulsion, with respect to buying or possessing objects, is the notion of being fixated with regard to consuming or possessing
- realm of normal and socially acceptable behavior (share product with the others with similar interest)
fixated consumption behavior
Inappropriate, typically excessive, and clearly disruptive to the lives of individuals who appear impulsively driven to consume.
- “addicted” or “out of control” consumers
- compulsive buying
compulsive consumption behavior
the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world
the immediate and direct response of the sensory organs to stimuli
- __ depends on the energy change within an environment
the lowest level at which an individual can experience a sensation
- as the stimuli increase, so does _
the absolute threshold
(ex: if you live in a high area traffic you will overtime get used to it so you wont pay attention to it (block it out) over a certain amount of time –> becomes your normal)
minimal difference that can be detected between two similar stimuli
differential threshold
(ex: if I introduce a high price discount you don’t have room to add another discount instead of starting at a low discount and getting higher)
states that the stronger the initial stimulus, the greater the additional intensity needed for the second stimulus to be perceived as different
weber’s law
aspects of perception
- selection
- organization
- interpretation
based on observable behaviors (responses) that occur as the result of exposure to stimuli
behavioral theories
holds that the kind of learning most characteristic of human beings is problem solving, which enables individuals to gain some control over their environment
cognitive learning theory
a behavioral learning theory according to which a stimulus is paired with another stimulus that elicits a known response that serves to produce the same response when used alone
classical conditioning
- increases the association between the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus
- slows the pace of forgetting
(strategic applications of classical conditioning)
a behavioral theory of learning based on a trail-and-error process, with habits forced as the result of positive experiences resulting from certain responses or behaviors
instrumental (operant) conditioning
a process by which individuals observe how others behave in response to certain stimuli and reinforcements.
observational learning
by the order in which it is acquired
(type of retention)
according to significant concepts
- integration of new data with previous experience
(type of retention)
total package of associations is called a ___
information is stored in long-term memory
based on hemispheres lateralization
- right and left hemispheres of the brain specialize in the kinds of information they process
involvement theory
what side of the brain:
rational, realistic
- stores verbal information
left side
what side of the brain:
emotional, impulsive, intuitive
- stores nonverbal, pictorial information
right side
consumers seek out messages which:
- are pleasant
- they can sympathize
- reassure them of good purchases
selective exposure
selective exposure works at the same time as ___
perceptual defense
- consumers prefer different messages & mediums
selective attention
consumers avoid being bombarded by advertising
perceptual blocking
- people tend to organize perceptions into _____ relationships
- the ground is usually indistinct
- marketers usually design so the figure is the noticed stimuli
figure and ground
the behavior that consumers display in searching & purchasing, using & evaluating, disposing of products/ services
consumer behavior
the behavior that consumers display in searching & purchasing, using & evaluating, disposing of products/ services
consumer behavior
the behavior that consumers display in searching & purchasing, using & evaluating, disposing of products/ services
consumer behavior