MKSAP19 Flashcards
What is an S3? What conditions would it be present in?
Low frequency, early diastolic sound. Best heard at the cardiac apex. Heard in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction or volume overload states
Patient with blood pressure of 200/110 and in acute heart failure exacerbation. What is IV medication of choice, in addition to lasix, to help with blood pressure? What medication class should be avoided in these cases?
IV nitroglycerin
Avoid beta blockers in decompensated heart failure
Who should get hepatitis b vaccine?
Anyone aged 15-59 or older than 60 who are at increased risk of hepatitis b, such as diabetics (exposed to needles), HIV, chronic liver disease, incarceration, travel to endemic areas, IV drug usage, sexual exposure
Which live vaccine is contraindicated in HIV, regardless of CD4 count?
Live influenza vaccine
Patient with autoimmune hepatitis, started on immunosuppressive therapy. How long would you be on therapy before making decision to taper?
Must be on therapy for 2-3 years prior to tapering because of high rate of relapse.
Patient presents with exertional dyspnea. Physical exam reveals fixed splitting of S2, a parasternal impulse at the left sternal border.
Most likely diagnosis?
Atrial septal defect
Patient who is an agricultural worker presents with progressive worsening of kidney disease after undergoing treatment for cellulitis with antibiotics. UA with no casts or leukocytes. Most likely diagnosis?
Chronic interstitial nephritis
Patient with aortic stenosis on physical exam. Echo shows severe stenosis, but hemodynamic eval on echo shows more moderate. When there is a discrepancy between the clinical evaluation and the echocardiogram, what’s best next test to further evaluate?
Cardiac catheterization
Pregnant patient at 16w develops gingival bleeding. Platelets noted to be at 60K. Most likely diagnosis? What if at 32w and platelets at 100K?
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
Gestational thrombocytopenia
Patient with fatigue, abdominal pain and weight loss over past month. The patient has intensely tanned skin and hyperpigmented buccal mucosa and palmar creases. Labs significant for hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, low morning cortisol, high ACTH level. Most likely diagnosis and treatment step?
Primary adrenal insufficiency
Hydrocortisone and fludricortisone
Recs for those taking vitamin E, fish oil, beta carotene?
In patients taking anticoagulants, vitamin E and fish oil increase the risk for bleeding; β-carotene increases the risk for lung cancer in cigarette smokers
HSV type that’s associated with viral meningitis?
HSV type 2
How big of a rise would you expect with transfusion of 1 unit of platelets?
One unit of platelets should raise the platelet count by around 20,000 to 30,000/μL
Patient comes in with concerns for bacterial meningitis. Platelets are at 38K. What should be done first prior to LP?
Platelets up to above 50K
Patient that comes in with microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and purpura. Most likely diagnosis and treatment?
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Plasma exchange, prednisone and rituximab
Patient who comes in with syncope, ekg shows dropped beat with no change in PR interval. Diagnosis and most appropriate management?
Mobitz type 2 AV block
Pacemaker placement
Is warfarin teratogenic?
In patient with mitral valve prostheses, on warfarin 4mg daily, what is safest anticoagulation option in 1st trimester is? What if they were on 6mg daily?
Warfarin if dose is less than 5mg per day in all three trimesters
If greater than 5mg, then would recommend IV unfractionated heparin in first trimester, followed by warfarin in 2nd and 3rd