MK-16 Sup Flashcards
Workup dives are recommended prior to diving deeper than?
At least ____of all MK16 dives should be at ____?
Half - Night/restricted vis
a MK16 diver who has not dove in the last ___ months need to refam with EP’s and OP’s. Must make a ____ dive before an operational dive?
6 months - training dive
If not completed operational DECO dive in past __ months, a MK16 must complete ______?
6 months - open water deco training dives
When can SCUBA be used for MK16 stby?
During training & Non MCM dives when N2O2 diving within scuba limitations
Manning for single MK16 diver? 2 divers?
4 - Sup, STBY, Diver, Tender / 5
When is EBS operator required?
Deco dives
When is FFM required?
Single Untended, Single Marked, Paired marked, when using approved BC.
When is buddy line not needed?
when their use is not feasible OR it will pose greater hazard than diving without them (i.e. mines)
Safety boat required? recommended?
all open water dives. / tended pier or diving from shore
Safety equipment required?
Comms, First Aid kit, O2 to reach chamber or evac point, BVM, extraction device, backboard, 2 QUARTS FRESH WATER minimum, AED
When can you dive SINGLE untended diver?
with permission from EOD Dive O, in MCM ops. When EOD Dive O deems ordnance hazard is greater risk than diving alone.
RNT exception rule- if ALL dives are to __ fsw or shallower, convert depth to ____ ata before using deepest depth.
35 fsw - 0.75 ata
How to convert to .75 ata
.79 (N2) X Depth on air + 18 fsw= Depth on .75 ata
How to convert to 1.3 ata
.79 (N2) X Depth on air + 36 fsw= Depth on 1.3 ata
Convert .75 to 1.3 ata
Add +20 fsw
On descent, it switches from .75 to 1.3 mode at ___fsw?
33 fsw +/- 2fsw
All dives above __fsw and less, a diver has no repet group
15fsw and less
Equivalent Air Depth (EAD) for MOD 0 dive
Depth - 18fsw / .79 = EAD
Equivalent Air Depth (EAD) for MOD 1 dive
Depth - 36fsw / .79 = EAD
Line Marking - 50 feet
RED band
Line Marking - every 10 feet
yellow or black bands
When is EBS required?
planned DECO dives
Distance line is a buddy line over ____. Not to exceed _____.
10 feet / 81 feet
Max depth N2O2
190 fsw
N2O2 dives deeper than ___ fsw are exceptional exposure
150 fsw - require CNO approval
Max depth on HeO2
300 fsw
HeO2 mix
N2O2 dive profiles
No-D repets; 1 Deco/ 3 No-D up to 150fsw; 2 Deco 0-150 fsw; Repet 151-190 with CNO waiver
HeO2 dive profiles
No D repets up to 200; 1 Deco/3 No-D up to 200fsw; 2 Deco up to 200fsw; 1 No-D OR 1 Deco 201-300 (no repet deeper than 200)
What is single marked?
a FFM and line w/float
Max descent rate
60 fpm
How long does it take to consume additional O2 added by diluent during descent
2-5 mins
ppO2 of 1.6 or higher may happen briefly on N2O2 during descent at depths deeper than ____
120 fsw
ppO2 of 1.6 or higher may happen briefly on HeO2 during descent at depths deeper than ___
200 fsw
If rig not transitioned by ___ fsw, abort dive
40 fsw
If flashing red for ___ minutes at first stop, initiate EP for low ppO2
4 mins
Rig switches from 1.3 to 0.75 mode at ___ fsw
13 fsw
ppO2 variances
It is recommended to lower EBS to ___ if first stop is
50 fsw
Limit dive time to __ hrs a day
4 hrs a day
Limit dive time to __ hrs a week
16 hrs a week
If pulmonary or visual O2 Sx develop, stop diving until Sx resolve and diver is Sx for min ___hrs
24 hrs
HeO2 ascent to altitude wait times - No D
dives 2hrs or DECO, wait 24 hours
If deeper than 20fsw and ppO2 is 1.45 or higher for ___ mins, rig is malfunctioned and EP should used
15 mins
Primary cause of hypoxia for MK16 diver
failure of O2 addition valve OR primary electronics