MJ-CQ Flashcards
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what city and country does the story take place?
A: Ketut, Indonesia
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when the story began why was Hans riding his bike so quickly?
A: Because he was late
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what was color was Hans’ rain jacket when he was riding his bike in the rain?
A: Yellow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau at what point in the school calendar does the story begin?
A: Fist week of the fall semester
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why was Jordan in a wheelchair?
A: Because she was in an accident.
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why did Hans ride his bike to basketball practice at the beginning of the story?
A: to pick up Lynn
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where was Lynn when Hans rode his bike through the rain to pick her up?
A: basketball practice
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why did Jordan sub for Coach Prayogo at basketball practice?
A: because his baby was sick
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the basketball coaches name?
A: Coach Prayogo
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color are the basketball uniforms?
A: red
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what letters are on the basketball jerseys?
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what number is on Jordan’s basketball jersey?
A: 23
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what did Hans bring in a thermos for Jordan from his mom?
A: a smoothie
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who makes Jordan a smoothie to drink after basketball practice?
A: her auntie
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what type of smoothie does Hans drink after basketball practice?
A: avocado, chocolate
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the school Jordan and Lynn attend?
A: Kahawaii Multicultural School
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why does looking at a team photo of the basketball team make Jordan sad?
A: Because she wishes she could play again
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is Hans’ bike?
A: blue
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where does Jordan find Marshmallow?
A: on a playground
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where is Marshmallow hurt (be specific)?
A: her left front leg
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan find to help Marshmallow walk home with her hurt leg?
A: a 3-wheeled scooter
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is the scooter Jordan finds for Marshmallow?
A: red
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Jordan’s mom’s occupation?
A: A vet
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what do we see woman carry on their heads when Jordan is going home with Marshmallow?
A: baskets
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan’s grandmother call her?
A: Onde Dikit
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is Marshmallow?
A: white
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color are Marshmallow’s eyes?
A: blue
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Nenek put on Marshmallow’s hurt leg to clean it?
A: hydrogen peroxide
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Nenek give Marshmallow to help him feel better?
A: a snack (fresh produce from the garden)
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what food does Nenek give Marshmallow for snack?
A: fresh produce from their garden
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Jordan first came home with Marshmallow what was her mom helping a man do?
A: save his calf and cow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau after Jordan’s mom helped save a mans calf and cow, how did she get home?
A: In his cart (he biked)
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan’s mom hand up when she gets home?
A: her purse
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is Jordan’s mom’s purse?
A: green
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color and type of shoes is Jordan’s mom wearing when she got home from work?
A: White tennis shoes
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color and type of shoes does Jordan’s mom change into when she gets home from work?
A: blue flip flops
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Jordan’s mom gets home and meets Marshmallow what does Nenek offer her to drink?
A: guava juice
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Jordan’s mom gets home and meets Marshmallow what does Jordan offer her to eat?
A: a lemper
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Jordan’s mom surprised to see Marshmallow eat when she first meets him?
A: a Lemper
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan’s mom drop when she first sees Marshmallow?
A: her groceries / produce
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Marshmallow eat that is not human food when he first meets Jordan’s mom? (be specific)
A: the offering flowers
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan’s mom tell Nenek Marshmallow should not eat because it could make him sick?
A: meat
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many chimes does the windchime outside Jordan’s house have?
A: 4
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Jordan’s mom is preparing to examine Marshmallow what color is the top blanket she lays down?
A: blue
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Jordan’s mom is preparing to examine Marshmallow what design is on the bottom sheet she lays out?
A: flowers
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Marshmallow see when Jordan’s mom is examining him that makes him cry?
A: a needle
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan say to Marshmallow when Jordan’s mom puts the needle with medicine in?
A: “I’ll stay right here with you.”
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan’s mom say will help Marshmallow?
A: antibiotic
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how long does Jordan’s mom think it will take Marshmallow to heal and be “walking just fine”?
A: a few weeks
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau after Marshmallow gets his medicine and is resting what type of statue does Jordan visit?
A: an elephant
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what two things are on the plate Jordan brings out to the elephant statue?
A: flowers and incense
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does Jordan pray to to help the elephant heal?
A: Lord Ganesh
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what two places does Jordan’s mom say the elephant may have run away from?
A: a sanctuary or a temple
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what was the first name Jordan thought of to name the elephant?
A: Cotton Puff
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how does Jordan know Marshmallow liked his name?
A: He hugged her with his trunk
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who says, “Onde Dikit never asks the gods for anything for herself.”?
A: Nenek
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does Jordan’s mom plan to call at the sanctuary to see if Marshmallow escaped?
A: Dr. Hartono
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where does Jordan’s dad say Marshmallow may have escaped from?
A: a tourist trap
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Nenek is outside looking at the elephant statue how many bracelets is she wearing?
A: 2
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what two items are on the table next to Nenek when she is outside staring at the elephant statue?
A: a pitcher and a plate
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color are the pitcher and plate that are on the table next to Nenek when she is outside staring at the elephant statue?
A: green
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is Jordan’s class teacher?
A: Mr. Al-Samarrai
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is Mr. Al-Samarrai’s hair and beard?
A: white
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what page does Mr. Al-Samarrai tell his class to open their books to?
A: 32
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Jordan’s class learning about?
A: the Ring of Fire
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Mr. Al-Samarria says that what percentage of the worlds earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire?
A: 90%
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Mr. Al-Samarria says that what percentage of the world’s LARGEST earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire ?
A: 81%
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Mr. Al-Samarria say the geography of Indonesia is dominated by?
A: volcanoes
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Mr. Al-Samarria says Indonesia is dominated by volcanoes formed due to movement within subduction zones between which 2 tectonic plates?
A: Euroasian and Indoaustralian
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is late to school?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is written on the note Lynn passes to Jordan in class?
A: “what’s going on? Never late”
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Mr. Al-Samarria say is the result of the movement and collisions of lithospheric plates?
A: earthquakes
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what picture is Jordan doodling on her notes during class?
A: elephants
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan answer incorrectly to the question, “what are the two most active volcanos on Java”?
A: Halmahera
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what answer does Lynn give when asked what the two most active volcanoes are on Java?
A: Kelud and Merapi
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Mr. Al-Samarria tell Jordan not to do in class?
A: Daydream
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Mr. Al-Samarria tell Lynn not to do in class?
A: Pass notes
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when a boy fell asleep in class what did he say he was up late doing the night before?
A: playing Star Wars: Battlefront
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what 3 items does Lynn have for school lunch?
A: curry, satay and tapioca
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why does Lynn think Jordan is acting different?
A: because she has a boyfriend
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who are the two people Jordan’s friends guess could be her new boyfriend?
A: the captain of the soccer team and Paul Ludwig
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what do Jordan’s friends think “adopted a baby elephant” is a cover up for?
A: having a boyfriend
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does Nenek bring to school when she comes to pick up Jordan?
A: Marshmallow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why did Nenek bring Marshmallow to school to pick up Jordan?
A: because Marshamallow was whining since Jordan left for school
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why do Jordans friends compare Marshmallow to a new puppy?
A: because he likes belly rubs
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what do Jordan’s friends compare Marshmallow to because he loves belly rubs?
A: a giant puppy
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who do the girls want to be their team mascot?
A: Marshmallow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color are the bows on the trophy in Jordan’s room?
A: purple
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many trophy’s does Jordan have in her room?
A: 2
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan have hanging from the walls in her bedroom?
A: yellow stars
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many framed photos are in Jordan’s bedroom?
A: 5
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many framed certificates are on the wall in Jordan’s bedroom?
A: 1
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Jordan has a pillow on her bed in the shape of what animal?
A: a turtle
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many hooks are on the coat rack in Jordan’s bedroom?
A: 3
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is the hat on the hatrack in Jordan’s bedroom?
A: red and white
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color are the walls in Jordan’s bedroom?
A: blue
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is Jordan named after?
A: Michael Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Jordan has posters of what two basketball players up in her bedroom?
A: Michael Jordan and Stephen Curry
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is Jordan’s Dad’s favorite basketball player?
A: Michael Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau whose favorite basketball player is Michael Jordan?
A: Jordan’s dad
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what team does Stephen Curry play for?
A: Golden Warriors
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are the three things that Jordan says make Steph Curry the best basketball shooter?
A: speed, consistency and quick release
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does Jordan say is the best shooter in basketball?
A: Steph Curry
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what three qualities does Jordan say all NBA shooters have?
A: accurate, efficient and have good range
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who did Jordan dream of being like before her accident?
A: Stephen Curry
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what did Marshmallow do after Jordan told him she dreamed of being like Steph Curry before her accident?
A: passed her a basketball
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in a practice basketball game that Marshmallow played in which team won?
A: Team Marshmallow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are the names of the two teams in a practice basketball game that Marshmallow played in?
A: Team Marshmallow and Team Lynn
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what was the score of the practice basketball game that Marshmallow played in?
A: 2:1 (Team Marshmallow won)
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does Hans tell “I wish my sister were half as good as you” at basketball?
A: Marshmallow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who scores the winning basket in a practice game with a pass from Marshmallow?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau after Team Marshmallow wins the practice basketball game Jordan says “loser pays for” what?
A: Ice cream
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who treated for ice cream after losing the practice basketball game with Marshmallow?
A: Lynn
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where did Lynn, Hans, Jordan and Marshmallow go for ice cream after the practice basketball game?
A: Anita’s
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what did Marshmallow do in the middle of the night?
A: Dug a huge hole and filled it with water / built a pool
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how did Marshmallow fill the hole for the pool with water?
A: from his trunk
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many hearts are on the invitation for Jordan’s surprise birthday party?
A: 6
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what day and date are Jordan’s surprise birthday party?
A: Sunday, Oct 8
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what time is Jordan’s surprise birthday party?
A: 1:00 p.m.
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where is Jordan’s surprise birthday party?
A: at Jordan’s house
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what did the last line on the surprise party invitation say?
A: “P.S. Don’t tell Jordan!!”
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many cold whips did Lynn say everyone could have?
A: 1
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the restaurant Jordan and her dad visit before her birthday party?
A: Namaaz
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how much does Jordan’s dad order of ayam goreng and pi sang goreng?
A: 2 dozen each
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what 2 items does Jordan’s dad order at Namaaz restaurant?
A: ayam goreng and pi sang goreng
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how long does it take for Jordan’s dad’s order to be ready at Namaaz restaurant?
A: 30 minutes
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what two food items do Jordan and her dad pick up after visiting Namaaz restaurant?
A: mango and durian
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Jordan asks her dad why they are picking up so much food, what does he tell her?
A: “it’s for Nenek’s sewing club meetup”
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where does Nenek’s sewing club meet up?
A: at the temple
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Jordan’s mom’s name?
A: Mrs. Winarta
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Coach Prayogo’s wife’s name?
A: Taman
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is coaches baby’s name?
A: Buana
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what nickname does Jordan’s dad call her?
A: Monyet Kecil
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what type of inflatable did a guest give Jordan?
A: unicorn
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what do the girls play in the pool at Jordan’s birthday party?
A: basketball
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who do the girls ask to referee their basketball game in the pool at Jordan’s birthday party?
A: Coach Prayogo
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what new rule do the girls make in their pool basketball game at Jordan’s birthday party?
A: Offence can’t shoot from immediately under the hoop
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in the pool basketball game at Jordan’s birthday party how far back must the second attempt be when shooting a basket?
A: at least 3 meters
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who used to train for triathlons?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what team does Coach Prayogo suggest Jordan try out for after watching her play pool basketball at her birthday party?
A: the water polo team
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many candles are on Jordan’s birthday cake?
A: 6
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what gift does the basketball team give Jordan at her birthday party?
A: a Marshmallow team jersey
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what animal was on the dress Jordan wore after her birthday party?
A: an elephant
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is the dress Jordan wore after her birthday party that had an elephant on it?
A: blue
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Jordan told Marshmallow playing in the pool with her friends felt like when she used to do what with them?
A: Run with them
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the water polo coach?
A: Shirin Ahmed
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau a friend says that Jordan can channel who in the pool?
A: Steph Curry
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the water polo team captain?
A: Kemala
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is the water polo team having trouble replacing after they graduated?
A: Amisha
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what did the coach say it was unfortunate they didn’t have because they are in a small town?
A: Disabled leagues
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau at Jordan’s first water polo practice what do they start the practice doing?
A: Dry ball handling
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many laps of freestyle, backstroke and ball-in-hand technique does the team start their practice with at Jordan’s first water polo practice?
A: 5 each
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are the two swimming strokes the team starts with to warm up at Jordan’s first water polo practice?
A: freestyle and backstroke
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when the water polo team is warming up at practice with freestyle and backstroke, where are they supposed to keep the ball? (Be specific)
A: above and in front of their head
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what technique did coach ask the team to do that someone complained “made [their] arms sore for days”?
A: ball-in-hand technique
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does coach ask to lead the drills at Jordan’s first water polo practice?
A: Kemala
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau the day Lynn became team captain the team started prepping for what?
A: Regionals
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who becomes the basketball team captain after Jordan joins the water polo team?
A: Lynn
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau on the day the basketball team starts prepping for regionals what does the coach tell them that surprises everyone?
A: That Jordan joined the water polo team for practice
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau at Jordan’s first water polo practice what does Kemala say could swim faster than Jordan?
A: A sea slug
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who said a sea slug could swim faster than Jordan?
A: Kemala
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Kemala said a sea slug could swim faster than who?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does coach tell Jordan to do to gain more speed in the water?
A: rotate her shoulders
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Coach Ahmed tells Jordan she has great strength in what part of her body?
A: upper body
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why do Hans and Lynn not wait for Jordan to walk home after her first water polo practice?
A: because mom texted that Ojichan was getting cranky
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who do Hans and Lynn tell to make sure Jordan gets home safely after her first water polo practice?
A: Marshmallow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who stayed at the pool with Jordan to work on an art assignment?
A: Paola
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Paola stayed late at the pool with Jordan to work on what type of assignment?
A: art
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what did Paola need to draw for her art assignment?
A: People swimming
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does Jordan learn lives around the corner from her after they walk home from school together?
A: Paola
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau a radio from a car was overheard saying what 2 things were taking a painful toll on Ketuts farming regions?
A: wildfires and drought
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is the car that has a radio station on discussing the drought and wildfires in Ketut?
A: blue
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau a radio in a car driving by is discussing wildfires and drought having a painful toll and what region in Ketut?
A: farming
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Paola give Jordan in the hallway at school?
A: a purple book / manga
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who offers Jordan a purple manga book in the hallway at school?
A: Paola
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is the bag of chips Jordan’s basketball teammate offers her in the hallway at school?
A: green
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what day of the week is the basketball team’s first game?
A: Friday
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does KMS play in their first basketball game?
A: Negara Academy
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does KMS play for Lynn’s first game as team captain?
A: Negara Academy
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan pinky promise to Lynn?
A: That she won’t miss their first basketball game
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what time is the pregame party before the first basketball game?
A: 3:30
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what 3 things will be discussed at the basketball pregame party?
A: expectations, goals, performance
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why can Jordan not make it to the basketball pregame party?
A: because of water polo practice
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what did the sign in the gym say at the first basketball game?
A: Welcome to Kahawaii
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the water polo technique called when you fence off your defender to free yourself?
A: stroke and chop cross
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what time does Jordan try to leave water polo practice to get to the first basketball game?
A: 5:00
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what was the score of the first basketball game?
A: 10 to 12
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who won the first basketball game?
A: Kahawaii
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Jordan got to the gym for the first basketball game, who was there?
A: Paola and Marshmallow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau after the first basketball game where does the team see their picture?
A: In the school paper
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when the team is looking at the school paper with their picture in it, what do they do when Jordan arrives?
A: they leave
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how long does the basketball team ignore Jordan?
A: for weeks
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Jordan hoped Lynn would forgive her before when?
A: winter break
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in the spring semester there is a poster on the wall in the hallway with the earth and raindrops that says what?
A: Earth Drop Counts
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what flyers are on the bulletin board at the start of the spring semester?
A: Music, Picnic, Dance
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is crying in the bathroom?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who said they might lose their sports scholarship if their team loses in the first round?
A: Kemala
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Kemala goes into the bathroom with Sarah, why is she upset?
A: She thinks she might be disqualified for the sports scholarship if they lose in the first round.
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is worried because their farm isn’t doing well due to the drought?
A: Kemala
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in the bathroom Kemala tells Sarah that who is useless on their team?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is in a bathroom stall and overhears Kemala say Jordan is “useless and barely swims”?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Jordan’s water polo number?
A: 7
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Kemala’s water polo number?
A: 1
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Hans says he hasn’t seen Jordan much all semester because of what reason?
A: she’s been putting in extra water polo practice
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does Hans tell to check on Jordan after seeing her put in extra water polo practice?
A: Lynn
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when did Jordan and Lynn become BFF’s?
A: Kindergarten
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau Lynn sees Jordan putting in extra practice at the pool at what time?
A: 5:18
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who from the basketball team offers to help Jordan practice for water polo?
A: Lynn
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who from the basketball team ride on the bus with the water polo team to their game? (2 names)
A: Dea and Alyssa
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who brings Marshmallow to the water polo game?
A: Lynn
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who offers lollypops to the girls on the bus?
A: Alyssa
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Alyssa offer to the girls on the bus?
A: lollypops
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who pushes Jordan’s wheelchair from the bus inside to the water polo game?
A: Alyssa
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Amanda call Kamala on the bus to the water polo game?
A: “The Ice Queen”
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who can’t find their swim cap in the locker room?
A: Wayan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what can Wayan not find in the locker room?
A: her swim cap
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are 3 of the items Wayan dumps out of her backpack when looking for her swim cap?
A: headphones, notebook, pencils, eraser
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what number is Mayan on the water polo team?
A: 3
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where does Mayan find her swim cap?
A: hanging on the locker door
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who sees Mayan’s lost swim cap hanging on the locker door?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where is their first water polo game held?
A: Canggu Public School
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau which school has a water polo team with girls that are “huge”?
A: Canggu Public School
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is Canggu Public Schools water polo team captain?
A: Lestair
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is the highest ranked swimmer in the district?
A: Lestair
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what did Jordan do in the game against Canggu Public Schools when Sarah got stuck?
A: pushed a girl underwater
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what happened to Jordan after she pushed a girl underwater in the Canjju Public Schools game?
A: She got a 20 second penalty
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how long was the penalty Jordan got for pushing a girl under water during the game?
A: 20 seconds
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is the water polo ball?
A: yellow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in the game against Canggu who scored for Kahawaii in the first period?
A: Kemala
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the score at the end of the 1st period in the game against Canggu?
A: 2:1
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who scored a goal for Kahawaii in the 2nd period of the game against Canggu?
A: Sarah
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how does Canggu plan to break the tie in their game against Kahawaii?
A; Focus their defense on Kemala
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who scores at the buzzer in the game against Canggu?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where did Jordan score from in the game against Canggu?
A: the 20 meter line
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau name 3 of the 6 teams Kahawaii beat to become District Champions.
A: Bangung School, Surabaya International, Diakonia Public School, Tangerang Academy, Pelangi School
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the vlog Kahawaii Water Polo team is featured on?
A: Lesser Sunda Aquatic
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is the highest scoring player in the water polo tournament?
A: Kemala
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Kemala’s last name?
A: Nalapraya
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is the second highest scoring player in the water polo tournament?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who does Kahawaii have to defeat in reginal finals to qualify for nationals?
A: Bali Academy
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who won the national title in water polo the year before?
A: Bali Academy
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in preparing for the regional finals what does Jordan plan to improve?
A: short-distance acceleration speed
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why does Jordan need to improve her short distance acceleration speed?
A: to break away from the defense
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what unusual strategy did Dea come up with to beat Bali Academy that Kemala was unsure of?
A: let the opponent steal the ball
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in the strategy for winning regionals after Kahawaii lets their opponent steal the ball who will steal it back?
A: Wayan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in the risky strategy to beat Bali Academy who makes the final shot?
A: Jordan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is the Lesser Sunda Regional Champ in water polo?
A: Kahawaii
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in the last week of school where do the kids go for ice cream?
A: Anitas
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when the kids go to Anitas in the last week of school what is the special?
A: Free topping day
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what place did the basketball team ear in the Lesser Sunda Semifinals?
A: 3rd
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Kahawaii Middle School have to do over the summer and the next school year due to the drought?
A: Shut down the aquatics facilities
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is transferring to another school because their dad got laid off?
A: Dea
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the farm Dea’s dad worked for before he was laid off?
A: Batukaru
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau where is Dea’s dad looking for work?
A: On another island
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau in the last week of school when Marshmallow disappears where do the girls find him?
A: on the playground, under the slide
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when Marshmallow disappears in the last week of school where do the girls look for him? (name 3)
A: basketball court, pool, classroom, lunchroom, playground
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are two things Jordan learns about Marshmallow after she finds him crying at the park in the last week of school?
A: He can talk and he is a rain cloud
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who takes responsibility for causing the draught?
A: Marshmallow
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how did Marshmallow hurt his leg?
A: He tripped and fell to earth
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau why did Marshmallow run away when he was a raincloud?
A: Because he didn’t have any friends / everyone teased him
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau when everyone teased Marshmallow, what did they call him?
A: “crybaby”
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who specifically did Marshmallow say liked to pick on him?
A: Thunder
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what was Marshmallows favorite order from Anita’s?
A: Pineapple Cold Whip with extra coconut topping
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who said that Joran’s pinky promise was jinxed?
A: Lynn
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what did Lynn say when Jordan and Marshmallow made a pinky promise?
A: “Jordan’s pinky promise is jinxed.”
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what happened after Marshmallow went back to the sky?
A: it rained
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who won the Indonesia Middle School National Water Polo Championship?
A: Kahawaii
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan say on the last page of the book when she looks at the sky in the rain?
A: “Marshmallow”
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Ayam goreng mean in English?
A: Indonesian fried chicken
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Durian?
A: a large tropical fruit considered the King of Fruits in Southeast Asia
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau who is Ganesh?
A: The Lord of Obstacles, the elephant-headed god. One of the most worshipped Hindu deities
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Halo mean?
A: Hello
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Monyet Kecil mean in English?
A: Monyet = Monkey, Kecil = Little
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Nenek mean in English?
A: grandmother
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Ojichan mean in English?
A: grandfather
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is a Pisang goreng?
A: Indonesian fried banana
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Terima Kasih mean in English?
A: thank you
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Terima Kasih Banyak mean in English?
A: Thank you very much
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how do you say Hello in Indonesian?
A: Halo
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how do you say grandmother in Indonesian?
A: Nenek
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how do you say grandfather in Indonesian?
A: Ojichan
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how do you say thank you in Indonesian?
A: Terima Kasih
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how do you say thank you very much in Indonesian?
A: Terima Kasih banyak
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how is the climate of Indonesian described? (3 words)
A: wet, hot, humid
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the primary variable of Indonesia’s climate?
A: Rainfall
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau how many seasons does Indonesia have?
A: 2
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are the 2 seasons Indonesia has?
A: hot and dry and rainy monsoon
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the key component of Indonesian economy?
A: agriculture
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are 5 of the 8 key crop exports of Indonesia?
A: palm oil, natural rubber, cocoa, coffee, tea, cassava, rise and tropical spices
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are 5 of the 7 tropical spices Indonesia exports?
A: pepper, nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and cardamom
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau the shipting climate significantly impacts what two things that lead to crop failure?
A: scarcity of clean drinking water and declining supply of irrigation water
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are 3 of the 5 ways we can reduce our carbon footprint?
A: 1. reduce, reuse and recycle
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Lynn want to wear to the festival, but can’t because it shrank?
A: her sarong
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what color is the sarong Jordan offers to Lynn when she finds out Lynn’s shrunk?
A: Pink
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what does Jordan find in her drawer when she is looking for a sarong for Lynn?
A: Marshmallows Diary
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Marshmallow’s food recommendation?
A: lemper ayam
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the snack made of glutinous rice and filled with seasonal shredded chicken, wrapped in a banana leaf?
A: lemper ayam
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Jordan’s food recommendation?
A: onde-onde
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the dessert made of glutinous rice with the center filled with palm sugar?
A: onde-onde
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is Lynn’s drink recommendation?
A: Jus alpukat
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the authentic Indonesian smoothie made of avocado, milk, condensed milk and chocolate?
A: Jus alpukat
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of the “perfect post-practice refresher”?
A: Jus Alpukat
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are Nenek’s 3 food recommendations?
A: sago fula melaka, bolu kukus, jian dui
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what type of food is sago fula melaka?
A: Pudding
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what type of food is bolu kukus?
A: sponge cake
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what is the name of fried sesame balls made from glutinous rice flour with a red bean paste filling?
A: jian dui
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what snack originated in China during the Tang dynasty?
A: Jian Dui
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau we learn Indonesia is part of what two regions?
A: Southeast Asia and Oceania
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau we learn Indonesia is located between what two oceans?
A: Indian and Pacific
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau we learn Indonesia consists of how many islands?
A: 17,508
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau we learn that how many of Indonesia’s islands are inhabited?
A: 6,000
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau what are the five largest islands in Indonesia?
A: Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, and New Guinea
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau we learn what country is the worlds largest island country?
A: Indonesia
Q: In Marshmallow and Jordan by Alina Chau we learn what country is the 14th largest country by land area?
A: Indonesia