MJ & Adam Show Flashcards
Paint the picture
“Paint the picture” is an idiom that means to describe something vividly using words. Some synonyms for “paint the picture” include:
in a way that is influenced by the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware.
“maybe subconsciously I was trying to sabotage the deal”
- 無意識のうちに
Give an instruction
Hang on to
to keep something :
As you continue speaking being more accurate and being more fluent at the same time helps the listener to kind of hang on to the conversation a lot more easily without any confusion because there’s times you know where you might be speaking to someone they’re very fluent but they’re not that accurate so you’re listening to them you’re engaged in the conversation and then there’s sometimes where you’re like what is he talking about and what are they talking about, I don’t understand.
Guess what?
「Guess what」は、日本語で言うところの「ねぇ、ちょっと聞いてよ」に近い表現で、これから自分が話し出す内容に相手が興味を示してくれるよう、話の前置きとしてよく用いられます。基本的にビックニュースや何か重大なお知らせを述べる時に使いますが、実際のところ、他愛もないことをあえて大げさに言ったり、冗談としてだったり、話題の大小に関係なく使っている人もよくいます。
「Guess what?」と言われたらシンプルに「What?」と返事するのが一般的。
本当に大事なこと伝える際に、「よく聞いてね」のニュアンスとして言いたいのであれば「Listen up」が適切。
Guess what? John is getting married.
a system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status or authority.
“the initiative was with those lower down in the hierarchy”
Add to the conversation
to add (one’s comment or opinion) to a conversation or discussion that one has been listening to.
involving or limited to basic principles.
“he received a rudimentary education”
Buckled down
ntimidate」の意味・翻訳・日本語 - (暴力的な脅しで)怖がらせる、脅す、(才能などが)威圧する、脅してさせる
Hard yes
“Hard yes” is a slang term that expresses strong agreement or enthusiastic affirmation.
毛深い、毛で覆われた、毛むくじゃらの 毛でできた 身の毛のよだつ
形. 楽しい、愉快{ゆかい}な◇「全般的な快適さ・人間的温かさ・雰囲気の良さ」「個人レベルの認識とは無関係に、そこにある快さ」を表す。
〔野菜や果物などが〕どろどろに[ぐじゃぐじゃに]形が崩れて、煮崩れて 〈話〉過度に感傷的..
Body odor
Body odor is a natural result of bacteria breaking down sweat on your skin. It’s usually not a cause for concern and can be managed with lifestyle changes.
having a sharply strong taste or smell.
“the pungent smell of frying onions”
(味・においなどが)刺激性の強い,ぴりっとする,つんとくる 2(文章・批評などが)辛らつな,痛烈な,鋭い.
薄片状の、フレーク状の 〔菓子の生地などが〕パイ状の、パサパサの
The famous researcher showed us the proof and thus I’m sure of this result.
Kicking in
「kick in」とは英語のフレーズで、主に二つの意味を持つ。一つ目は「効果が現れ始める」、二つ目は「貢献する、支払う」である。
“Kicking in” has multiple meanings, including to begin operating, to have an effect, or to contribute.
To begin operating or having an effect
〔人や物が〕同種{どうしゅ}の、同質{どうしつ}の◇【対】heterogeneous ・The students were divided into homogeneous groups.
Strike up a conversation
“Strike up a conversation” means to initiate or start a conversation with someone, usually with a stranger, by making the first move to talk to them.
a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
“education is a right, not a privilege”
Ease in
“Ease in” can mean to start something slowly and then gradually increase the speed. It can also refer to becoming familiar with something new, or helping someone else become familiar with something new.