Miyamoto Musashi Flashcards
“Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
Miyamoto Musashi (1584 – 13 June 1645) was a Japanese swordsman, philosopher, strategist, writer and rōnin, who became renowned through stories of his unique double-bladed swordsmanship and undefeated record in his 61 duels
“The purpose of today’s training is to defeat yesterday’s understanding.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“It may seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“To win any battle, you must fight as if you are already dead” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“Anger. Control your anger. If you hold anger toward others, they have control over you.Your opponent can dominate and defeat you if you allow him to get you irritated.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“Fixation is the way to death. Fluidity is the way to life.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“Determine that today you will overcome your self of the day before, tomorrow you will win over those of lesser skill, and later you will win over those of greater skill.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“No Fear, No Hesitation, No Surprise, No Doubt” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“A man cannot understand the art he is studying if he only looks for the end result without taking the time to delve deeply into the reasoning of the study.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“In time, all things work to your advantage when you pursue them with an open heart.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“If you know the way broadly you will see it in everything.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“True warriors are fierce because their training is fierce.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“There is no one way to salvation, whatever the manner in which a man may proceed. All forms and variations are governed by the eternal intelligence of the Universe that enables a man to approach perfection. It may be in the arts of music and painting or it may be in commerce, law, or medicine. It may be in the study of war or the study of peace. Each is as important as any other. Spiritual enlightenment through religious meditation such as Zen or in any other way is as viable and functional as any “Way.”… A person should study as they see fit.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“Accept everything just the way it is.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“Do not let the body be dragged along by mind nor the mind be dragged along by the body” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“Do not waste time idling or thinking after you have set your goals” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“If the enemy thinks of the mountains, attack like the sea; and if he thinks of the sea, attack like the mountains.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“The ultimate aim of martial arts is not having to use them” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“It is difficult to understand the universe if you only study one planet” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“Step by step walk the thousand-mile road.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi
“A warrior has no confusion in his mind…This is true emptiness.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi