Mixtures Flashcards
What are mixtures made up of?
Elements, compounds or both elements and compounds.
The substances which form mixtures are_____________ or ______________
Components, Constituents.
chemical , individual….
Define mixtures.
Mixtures can be defined as impure substances made up of 2 or more pure substances in any proportion in such a way that it retains its individual properties and **does not go under any chemical change.
Give an example of a mixutre an its constituents.
- Air.
- Oxygen
- Nirtogen
- Carbon Dioxide
- Water Vapour and
- Dust particles
Give an example that shows the 2 differences betyween mixtures and compounds
- Iron and Sulphur
- Iron Sulphide
What are the 2 types of mixtures on the basis of distribution of mixture? Give an example for ech
Homogenous(sugar solution) and hetrogenous ( sand and water) mixtures.
Define homogenous mixtures
Mixtures that are uniformly distriuted and connot be recognized easily.
Define hetrogenous mixtures.
Mixtures that are not uniformly distributed and the components ccan be recognised easily.
Give examples of homogenous mixtures.
Sugar solution,
Water and alcohol.
A mixture of two or more gases is always considered as a hetrogenous mixture.
If false explain why it is true.
All gases mix with each other in all proportions.
Is soil a homogenous mixture?
Examples of hetrogeneous mixtures are…
Water and petrol
sand and stones
sulphur and iron fillings
rice and lentils
chalk and water
kerosene and water
Most mixtures of two or more solids is considered as a hetrogenous mixture.
whether you mix them and grind them or not. What is an exeption?
Are their substances which appear to be pure sustances ut actually are not? Give examples
- Tap water
- Ink
- Milk
- Fruit juice
- Honey
- Medicines
- Icecream
- Butter
- Alloys like brass and bronze.
Brass is an alloy of ____ and ____
Bronze is an alloy of ____, _____and ___
Copper,Tin and Zinc.
What are the types of mixtures on the basis of their states of components?
The three states of matter
Why do we need to seperate mixtures?Give examples
-Getting useful substances like seperating salt form seawater to get salt.
-Removing undesirable and harmful substances like removing small stones a nd husk from cereals like rice,wheat and pulses before cooking, and to
-Get completely pure substances to make useful substances like how water is required in its prest form to prepare medincines in labrotories or for preparing solutions in car batteries.
Define seperation
The process by which constituents of mixtures are set apart from each other to get pure substances.
What are the 2 main points the** principle of seperation** depends upon
- Type of mixture
- Charecteristic properties of mixtures
Give examples for solid to solid mixture sepertion.
- Hand picking
- Winnowing
- Gravity Seperation
- Sublimation
- Solvent extraction method.
When can handpicking be used?
When one of the component differs in size,shape and colour.
Name the method of seperation:
Rice and stones,
Dhal and rice
Hand Picking
When can winnowing be used?
Wjen one of the component is lighter than the other.
Name the method of seperation:
Rice and Husk
Which method of seperation is used by farmers?
When can magnetic seperation be used?
When one of the component is magnetic in nature.
Name the method of seperation:
Iron and sulphur
Iron and sand
Magnetic seperation
When can gravity seperation be used?
When both of the components are insoluble in water and one of the component is heavier than the other.
Name the method of seperation:
Rice and sawdust
Sand and sawdust.
Gravity seperation method.
Define sublimation
The process by which a solid substance directly changes into a gaseous substance without passing through its intermediate liquid.
When can we use sublimation?
When one component is sublimable.
Give examples of sublimable substances
Ammonium chloride
Name the method of seperation:
Sand and iodine,
Common salt and ammonium chloride.
Iodine and sulphur
Define winnowing
The process by which a light solid component is seperated from a heavier one with the help of wind.
Define solvent extraction method
The process by which a soluble solid component gts seperated from an insolule solid component with the suitale solvent.
When can we use slovent extraction method?
When one of the component is soluble in a solvent.
Name the method of seperation:
Rice and salt
Sand and salt
Solvent extraction method.
Give examples for solid to liquid mixture seperation
- Sedimentation and Decantation
- Filtration
- Evaporation
- Distillation
Give examples for solid to liquid mixture seperation.
Hetrogenous mixtures.
- Sedimentation and decantation
- Filtration
Give examples for solid to liquid mixture seperation
Homogenous mixture
- Evaporation
- Distillation
Which mizture seperation TYPE has seperation for both hetrogenous and homogenous mixture sepeation techniques?
Solid-Liquid mixture seperation.
Define sedimentation.
The settling down of suspended,insoluble,heavy solid particle of a solid to liquid mixture when left undisturbed.
What is the solid that gets settled in the bottom in sedimentation called?
What is the clear liquid above the sediment i sedimentation called?
supernatant liquid.
Define decantation.
The process of pouiring out the clear liquid without disturbing the sediment.
When is sedimentation used?
When the insoluble solid component is heavier than the liquid component.
Name the method of seperation:
Sand and water
Pulses and water
Rice and water.
Define filtration
The process of seperating insoluble solid components from a liquid by letting it pass through a filter.
The filter allows the_____to pass through but not the _____.
What is the insoluble solid left on the filter called
What is the liquid that passes through the filter called?
What are the substances which can be used as a filter?
- Layer of sand
- Charcoal
- Cotton
- Glass wool
- Unglazed porcelain
- Filter paper.
The strainer we use to seperate tea from tea leaves is also a filter.
When is filtration used?
When one of the comonent is fine and insoluble
Name the method of seperation:
Chalk and water
Tea from tea leaves
Sulpur and water
Clay and water
Sawdust and water.
Define evaporation.
The process of changing a liquid into its vapour state, either by exposing it to air or by heating.
What methos of seperation am I?
The liquid component of the mixture escapes in the form of vapour leavong behind the solid component.
Name the method of seperation:
Sea water that is collected in shallow beds.
Define distillation.
The process of getting a pure liquid from a solution by evaporating and then condensing the vapours.
When the solution is heated the liquid component changes into________ then the vapours are condensed back into a liquid component which is very pure and is called ________.
Tap water is purified by________ and the pure water obtained is called__________ ______
disstiled water.
Do docoters use distillation?What for ?Chemists?
Yes the both do,
Chemists-Solutions and industries
What is the advantage of distillation.
Both the components are obtained.
Define misscible liquids.
Liquids which dissolve in each other in all proportions are miscible liquids.
Define immiscible liquids.
Liquids which do not dissolve in each other in all proportions are immisible liquids.
Example of miscible liquids…
Alcohol amd water
Examples of immiscible liquids…
Oil and water
How can you separate alcohol and water?
Fractional distilation
Define fractional distillation.
The process of distillation used to seperatethe components of a liquid to liquid mixture on the basis of the difference of their boiling points.
What should the difference of the boiling point of different liquids called?
25 degrees celcius or more.
Does alcohol boil at a lower temperature than water.
Give examples of fractional distillation.
Alcohol and water.
Why is a fractionating column fixed?
If the water vapours do rise with the alcohol it will condense and come back into the flask.
_______ , ______ and _____ are obtained form crude petroleum oil in asimilar way.
diesel and
When can we use a seperating funnel?
When one of the liquid components is heavier than another.
Name the method of seperation:
Kerosene oil and water.
Petrol and water
Mustard oil and water
Carbon tetrachloride and water.
Seperating funnel
Water being ____ forms the layer while oil being forms the _ layer
How can a mixture of gas in liquid be seperated?
By heating
Name the method of seperation:
Drinking water and air
gas-liquid mixture
Chromatography is one the the ________ techniques.
What does chromatography seperate?
Coloured components of a complex mixture where all the components have very similar properties.
Name the method of seperation:
Ink is a mixture of _____________ ________
different dyes
Define chromatography
The process of seperating different dissolved constituents of a mixtyure by their adsoption on a appropriate material.
What does chromatography mean?Why?
Colour writing, because earlier it was used to seperated mixtures with coloured constituents only.
Can you seperate colorless substances with chromatography to?
The method is based on the difference in ______ ___ _________ of different components on a suitable ______________.
rate of adsorption,adsorbent.
Common adsorbents
(stationary phase):
Silica gel
Filter paper.
Common solvents
(mobile phase):
Ethyl alcohol,
Acetic acid.
What are the 2 phases in chromatography?
Stationary phase and mobile phase.
Define adsorption
The process by which particles of a substance gets adhered on to the surface of a solid material.
The components of a mixture dissolves in the ________ phase gets on the adsorbed ____________phase at differnt speeds and get seperated.
What is the simplest form of chromatography?
Paper chromatography
What types of paper is used for this metho?
- Chromatographic paper(Whatman filter paper)
- Filter paper.
Where is the line drawn in chromatography?
Where is the of the mixture placed?
How is the paper placed in the solvent?
near the bottom end of the paper.
Aove the line.
In such a way the line does not touch the water.
Filter paper-
Which component rises fast in chromatography
The drop which is more soluble
What are the advantages of chromatography?
- A very small quantity of the substance can be seperated.
- Components with very similar physical and chemical properties can be seperated.
- It idenifies the different constituents.
What are the uses of chromatography?
* Pigments from natural colours
* Drugs from blood(pathelogical tests)
* Colours from dyes.
Mr.Laf(a chemist and doctor) takes a filter paper uts a drop of ink on it and few drops of water, what does he observe?
- The ink spreads in rings,
- Each ring corresponds a component of ink
- The farthest ring is the most soluble.
How do you seperate sand,sawdust and salt.
- Put all the 3 components in water
* Salt will dissolve in the water
* Sawdust will float and
* The sand settles down
2.The salt solution and the saw dust is slowly decanted on a filter paper fixed in a funnel which is fixed to the beaker.
3.The salt solution is evaporated.
Give an example for a solid-solid homogenous mixture.
Any alloy like brass and bronze.