Mixed strategies Flashcards
What is a mixed strategy for a player i in a normal form game (S1, …, Sn ; u1, …, un)?
Hint: first, give the definition of “simplex” over a set A.
When a strategy si belongs to the support of a mixed strategy σ*?
Expected payoff of player i when he chooses the pure strategy si and his opponents play the mixed strategy σ−i.
Expected payoff of player i when he chooses the mixed strategy σi and his opponents play the mixed strategy σ−i.
When is a mixed strategy profile σ* = (σ1, …, σn) considered to be a Nash Equilibrium for each player i?
If σ* is a NE, and both si and si’ are in the support of σi*, then what is a fundamental property of the utility functions of these two strategies?
Do Nash Equilibriums survive IESDSm?
Nash Theorem (intro)
Every game with finite Si’s has at least one Nash equilibrium (possibly involving mixed
What is a belief of a player i?
The Nash theorem (definition)