Mixed Foundations Flashcards
Which burner is known as mist or fog?
Skin diseases caused by damp, break down fluid physiology locally. These fluids are?
Thick and dirty
What yin substance is turbid, heavy and dense. It circulates with nutritive qi and moves slowly. It moistens the joints, spine, brain, and Marrow. It also lubricants the orifices.
Ye fluid
Middle burner is controlled by which organ?
SP Ren12
What are the 5 vital substances?
Qi, blood, body fluid, essence (Jing) and Shen
What are the 3 treasures?
Jing, qi and shen
Which organ is related to the dispersal of BF due to transformation of qi?
San Jiao
After UB separates pure from impure, where does pure go? Where does impure go?
Pure to LU
Impure eliminated via urine
Synovial fluids are considered what type of fluid?
Which organ is the first to separate pure from impure?
Which organ is responsible for irrigation?
Which of the three burners is the drainage ditch?
LV belongs to which jiao?
Which fluid is clear light thin and watery. It circulates with Wei qi and moves fast. It moistens and nourishes the skin and muscles and manifests as tears, sweat, saliva and muscus?
Jin fluid
Which organ controls Jin fluids?
Which organ diffuses BF
Which organ transforms BF?
Upper Jiao is controlled by which organ?
LU, Ren17
Lower burner is controlled by which organ?
KD, Ren6
Which burner is known as froth or Maceration chamber?
Which organ is the origin of BF
Which organs controls Ye fluids
Which substance makes up plasma
Jin fluid
What is a form of matter-energy that that gives rise to physical, mental, emotional phenomena at the same time.
Which organ controls saliva
Which organ controls tears
Which organ controls sweat
After the Si separates pure from impure, where does pure go? Impure?
Pure to UB
Impure to Li
If a child has a bright red venule on the index finger going to the gate of wind, what is the likely diagnosis?
Exogenous wind cold
Red venule indicates what?
Blue venule in infants indicates what?
When a venule on index finger of an infant passes the the qi gate, this is what type of illness?
Interior and more serious
When diagnosing a child under the age of two, which way do you massage the index finger to observe the venule?
Proximally, towards palm
An index finger on child under three is divided into three parts. Which part signifies a serious disease that is life threatening?
Life gate
Bright red venule on pediatric digital exam
Exterior wind cold
What is the first gate on the index finger of an infant?
Wind gate
When observing a patient you notice a greenish tinge around their mouth. What does this represent?
LV xue or qi stag
If a patient has bright red stools that splash in all directions, what pathogen do they likely have?
Damp heat
If patient has both yin and Yang xu, what will the tongue likely look like?
Pale, cracked and enlarged
Yellow sclera would likely represent which disorder?
Damp heat
In three burner differentiation, a patient comes in with high fever at night, a burning sensation of the epigastrium, cold limbs, aphasia and delirium. The tongue is deep red, stiff and no coat. Pulse is thready and rapid. What is the diagnosis?
Heat in the PC
Patient gave birth two days ago and now has dry stools and fatigue. What is diagnosis?
Blood xu
A constant low grade fever is what pathology?
Damp heat
Pain after urination is a sign of what pathology?
Qi xu
If a patient can’t fall asleep what is the underlying xu
Xue xu
Red sclera is a sign of what pathology?
Heat in the LU
Sour taste in mouth indicates a disharmony in what organ?
Patient has low grade fever, cold limbs, DRY AND BLACK TEETH, dry cracked lips, convulsions and limb tremors. Tongue is red, no coat, pulse is deep, thready and rapid. What is diagnosis? San jiao theory.
Liver empty wind.
Deep black spots on the sclera indicates what pathology?
Injury of xue leading to xue stag
Excess menstrual bleeding is caused by which three disorders?
Excess heat
Yin xu/ fire
SP qi xu
Beth has yin xu fire, her menses would most likely manifest as what?
Copious amounts of bright red menstral blood
Pain before urination is a sign of?
Qi stag
What two LC channels would treat atrophy of foot with flaccid muscles?
GB and ST
It’s a qi issue so LV and SP connect to answer via LC pts
Oily sweat on forehead is a sign of? (Two conditions)
Yang collapse or damp heat
Which is the most important extraordinary organ?
When bing lun 4 stages of heat. Patient has chills, fever, yellow fever nasal discharge and sore throat. Then develops fever at night and restlessness. Now has high fever with nosebleeds. What is the order of transmission?
Wei to yin to xue
Hesitant pulse is mainly caused by?
Xue xu
Does upper jiao damp heat show heat signs in san jiao patterns?
Patient has severe aversion to cold, mild fever, heaviness in head, limbs and trunk, stifling sensation in chest, no thirst dull expression, epigastric distension, poor appetite, loose stools. Tongue has sticky white coat and pulse is soft and slow. CAM SJ patterns classifies this as?
Damp heat in the upper jiao
Patient has chronic pneumonia with yellow green mucus. What will their tongue look like?
Lesions in the sclera indicates what disease?
Lung disease
Pain after urination is caused by?
KD qi xu
Li damp heat and Li heat share this symptom
Burning in the anus
Abrupt pulse is? Also called hasty.
Irregularly irregular
Abrupt/ hasty pulse indicates?
Excess heat in the heart
Issues in the eyelids such as swelling or sty indicates what disorders?
Enlarged prostate with freq urination is excess or xu?
If a patient can’t stay asleep what xu do they have?
Yin xu
Red eyes are a sign of what pathology?
LV fire
When treating a patient, what changes first, second and third?
Pulse, symptoms and last tongue
Sara is yin xu what are her menses like. ( not fire yet).
Scanty bright red
Puffy and swollen tongue pattern
SP and KD yang xu with harmful waters
Patient vomits fluids, splashing sounds in ST, fullness, gurgling sounds, abdo fullness and distension. Diagnosis for this case?
Phlegm fluids
Which organs are responsible for correct flow of qi in the body?
LV and SJ
Which Lou channel would you treat for depression, increased sputum, pain in chest and possibly insanity?
Scattered grey spots like clouds in the eyes is what pathology?
Injured qi leading to qi stag
Which of the six pathogenic factors look like yangming level heat with aversion to heat, high fever, sweating, confusion, thirst, overflowing and rapid pulse, red tongue and yellow coat?
Patient has edema, difficult urination and a yellow face. What is the five element diagnosis?
Earth overacting on water
Chronic headache that affects the teeth is caused by which organ pathology?
The sclera corresponds to what organ?
Three channels used to treat vertex headaches
Dull white corners of the eyes indicate what pathologies?
If a patient has damp heat but more damp than heat, will they sweat?
Waking up early can’t fall back asleep is what pattern?
GB qi xu
Which organ corresponds to the upper eyelid?
Blue green nose is a sign of what disorder?
Pain in abdo due to Sp cold and LV qi stag
Patient has fever at night, mental confusion, incoherent speech, delirium, body hot feet cold and maculae’s (changes in skin colour in spots). Tongue red, no coat, pulse is thready and rapid. ZF diagnosis?
Heat in PC
What does heart fire tongue look like?
Fat with painful red ulcers on surface with red edges
Cataracts are associated with which organ?
If the lungs are weak, what symptoms may develop that are controlled by the UB?
Difficult or frequent urination
What three organs/components are always affected by all emotions?
LV, HT and Shen
Which organ controls spit
Short term memory is associated with which organ?
Long term memory is associated with which organ?
A person wakes up several times during the night is because of what syndrome?
KD yin xu
What are the six extraordinary organs?
GB, brain, UT, bones, marrow and blood vessels
Which syndrome has a burning anus?
Damp heat in Li
Small, bitty and goat like stools are indicative of what syndrome
LV qi stag with Li heat
San jiao controls?
Water passages and is in charge of irrigation and excretion of fluids
What organ governs water and dominates water metabolism?
Stimulants injure yin fluids of these two organs
LV and KD
The heart manifests in which part of the body?
What pulse is floating and rapid?
Wind heat
What pulse is floating and tight
Wind cold
Is an empty pulse xu or excess?
A flaccid tongue indicates
Qi and xue xu
Cold damage is also know as the 6 stages of cold by what famous doctor?
Shang Han Lun by Zhang zhong Jing
Shang Han Lun philosophy is that cold pathogens Enter through which layers of the body first?
Skin and muscle
After cold works though skin & muscle layers, it then works though the six channels in what order?
Tai yang Yang Ming Shao Yang
Tai yin shao yin jue yin
Warm disease stool is based on which TCM theory?
Wen Bing Lun by Ye Tian Shi
In the 4 stages of heat, where do heat pathogens invade into the body?
Nose & mouth
According to the 4 stages of heat, what are the 4 levels?
Wei, qi, ying and xue
Six stages of cold, tai yang is the first level to be attacked because it’s most exterior. It is associated with wind cold. What are the symptoms?
Fever aversion to cold, headache, stiff neck and upper back
Tai yang is divided into excess and xu. Both have fever and chills, and a floating pulse. Excess tai yang does not have _______ whereas tai yang xu does
In tai yang excess conditions what is the pulse?
In. Tai yang xu what is the pulse?
Excess = floating & tight
Xu = floating & moderate
In the 6 stages 8 cold, the second channel to be invaded is the yang Ming which is divided into two levels which are the channel & the organ. Here, cold is transforming to _________?,
The Yang Ming channel level of the 6 stages is the same as what level in the 4 stages of heat?
Qi level
Yang Ming heat has what symptoms?
The 4 bigs which are 1. Big fever without chills 2. Big sweat 3. Behest 4. Big, rapid & surging pulse. you are hot & bothered
Yang Ming organ heat in the 6 stages of cold is heat in which 2 organs?
ST & Li
What symptoms do Yang Ming organ heat have in the 6 stages of cold?
Tidal fever, delirious speech, and key symptom abdominal distention worse for pressure & constipation. May also have a burnt yellow coat & a forceful deep excess pulse
Shao yang level of the 6 stagesof cold have what symptoms? This is half external and half internal.
Alternating fever & chills fullness in the chest and ribs, bitter taste & vomiting with a wiry pulse mostly deals with GB
How is tai yin disease characterized?
Abdo fullness & pain, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, no thirst with A weak and moderate pulse. Mostly dealing with sp issues that is cold damaging the sp Yang or xu cold of the spleen
Shao yin xu cold in the 6 stages disease of the HT & KD is characterized by what symptoms?
Aversion to cold curled up laying down, somnolence, cold limbs, may have diarrhea with undigested food with a pulse that is fine or thin. KD yang can no longer warm the spleen
Shao yin xu heat in the six stages has what symptoms?
Insomnia, dry mouth, red or crimson tongue & a thin rapid pulse because KD yin is XU it places up into the HT
Jue yin ceases in the six stages is most severe. Characterized by upper body heat and lower body cold because the patient is very xu. What is separating here?
Yin and yang separating, wasting/unquenchable thirst, qi surging to the HT, pain and heat in chest, hunger with no desire to eat, vomiting roundworms ( back in the day).