Mixed Flashcards
When do falls occur in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease? What about in other parkinsonian disorders?
usually not until 8 years after onset of idiopathic PD
- within the first 2 years of symptom onset of PSP
- within the first 5 years of symptom onset in MSA
what is the frequency of tremor of idiopathic PD?
moderate in frequency, 4 to 6 Hz and typicall more distal than proximal
What are reemergent tremors?
a type of postural tremor seen in idiopathic PD. When arms are outstretched, there is usually a latency of a few seconds before the tremor appears. (Contrast this with essential tremors, in which tremor appears immediately after assumption of a posture).
What is striatal hand in PD?
abnormal postures in PD; ulnar deviation at the wrist with flexion at the metacarpophalangeal joints and extension at the interphalangeal joints
What is striatal toe of PD?
extension of the big toe with flexion of other toes
What is camptocormia?
extreme flexion of the spine that worsens during walking and improves in the supine position
What are autonomic features of MSA?
urinary incontinence, orthostatic hypotension/syncope, erectile dysfunction, neuropathy