What is the definition of Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP)?
Mitral Valve Prolapse is a condition where one or both mitral valve leaflets bow or billow into the left atrium during systole, with prolapse ≥2 mm above the annular plane.
What are the key aspects of pathophysiology in Mitral Valve Prolapse?
In MVP, myxomatous degeneration of the mitral leaflets and chordae leads to leaflet thickening and redundancy, which may progress to mitral regurgitation (MR).
What is the epidemiology of Mitral Valve Prolapse?
MVP is prevalent in about 2.4% of the population, more common in men and older adults with a higher risk of complications in these groups.
What are the common symptoms of MVP?
Common symptoms include palpitations, chest pain, anxiety, dyspnea on exertion, and exercise intolerance. Some patients are asymptomatic.
What are the main risk factors for MVP?
Strong risk factors include connective tissue disorders, mitral annular disjunction, and family history. Weak risk factors include slim body type and age.
What findings on examination are characteristic of MVP?
Characteristic findings include a mid-systolic click and a late-systolic murmur that intensifies with maneuvers. The click is from sudden tensing of the prolapsed valve leaflets.
What bedside investigations are used for MVP?
ECG is used to detect any arrhythmias, ST-T changes, or prolonged QT in MVP patients.
What blood test may be elevated in cases with significant MR in MVP?
BNP may be elevated in cases with significant MR, indicating increased cardiac strain.
What is the primary imaging tool for diagnosing MVP?
Echocardiography is the primary diagnostic tool for MVP, assessing leaflet prolapse, MR severity, and left ventricular function.
What are the indications for Cardiac MRI in MVP?
Cardiac MRI is used if echo is inconclusive or to assess myocardial fibrosis linked to arrhythmias in MVP.
What special test is used to detect arrhythmias in MVP patients?
Holter or event monitoring is used to detect arrhythmias in patients with palpitations or syncope in MVP.
What lifestyle modifications are recommended for MVP?
Lifestyle modifications include avoiding stimulants, regular exercise, and reassurance for asymptomatic patients without significant MR.
What are the medical management options for MVP?
Beta-blockers help manage palpitations and chest pain; anticoagulation is recommended for those with atrial fibrillation to reduce thromboembolism risk.
When is mitral valve repair indicated in MVP?
Mitral valve repair is indicated for severe MR due to MVP as it offers better outcomes than replacement.
What are the risks associated with anticoagulation in MVP treatment?
Anticoagulation carries a bleeding risk, especially in MVP patients with atrial fibrillation.