Mitosis and Meiosis Flashcards
• What are the main functions of mitosis?
Growth, replacement of dead cells
• What are the two major phases of cell division?
Mitotic phase and interphase
• What stage of division are cells usually in?
Variable – cells can be in G0 (liver), continually dividing (epithelium), dividing according to regular signals (germ cells), dividing on demand (wound epithelium)
• How many chromosomes are present in a diploid cell?
Two homologous copies of each chromosome
• What happens during interphase?
DNA is synthesised, centrioles replicate
• What are the phases of mitosis?
Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
• What is control of the cell cycle important for the individual cell?
Damaged DNA must not be replicated, DNA replication must only occur once per cycle, chromosomes must be positioned on spindle correctly, phases of cycle must be synchronous
• What are the two levels of cell cycle control?
Intracellular & intercellular
• What are Cdks?
Cyclin dependent protein kinases – act as checkpoints at the end of G1, G2 and M phases, regulated by cyclins
• What does mitogenic mean?
Stimulates mitogenesis or cell division e.g. growth factors
• Growth factors activate Myc, how does the cell prevent excessive production of Myc?
Excessive Myc production activates Arf, Arf activates p53 which induces cell cycle arrest or apoptosis
• How does p53 bring about apoptosis?
P53 causes activation of p21, inhibitor of the cell cycle (apoptosis occurs if damage is beyond repair)
• Where does meiosis occur?
Germ cells – produces haploid cells that carry one copy of each chromosome
• What are the three phases of meiosis?
Meiotic S phase, meiosis I, meiosis II (like mitosis)
• When do chiasmata form?
Prophase I
• What are the five stages of Prophase I?
Leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, diakenesis
• At which stage does crossing over occur?
• What is significant about prophase II?
No DNA replication occurs
• What is the main difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis?
During the second meiotic division of oogenesis a single haploid ovum and a second polar body (package of chromosomes) are formed
• What are the sources of genetic variation?
Independent assortment of chromosomes, recombination – crossing over, mutation, segregation of genes (random), differences in gene frequency (chance)
• What method of variation introduces new genes, rather than reshuffling the existing genes?
• What is independent assortment of chromosomes?
Random orientation of homologous chromosomes a metaphase of meiosis I
• In sex chromosomes where does crossing over occur?
Between the short segments at the end of the X and Y chromosomes
• In females what happens to the inactive X chromosome?
Condensed as Barr body