Mitosis and Meiosis Flashcards
What are homologs?
The pair chromosomes where we have one from mom and one from dad is a homolog.
The chromosomes that exist in pairs, where one is from mom and the other from dad.
What is diploid? What does it mean for an organism to have a diploid configuration?
Having two copies of each chromosome.
Diploid refers to a cell or organism that has two sets of chromosomes, one set inherited from each parent. In humans, most cells are diploid and have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total), with one chromosome from each pair coming from the mother and one from the father.
What is cell division?
The process of producing two daughter cells from one parent cell that are genetically identical to each other and to the original parent cell
What is binary fission?
Cell division in prokaryotes. It is also responsible for prokaryotic reproduction. They duplicate one circular chromosome.
It is dividing in half.
What is chromatin?
This is how chromosomes look before they are condensed for cell division. They exist as a spaghetti bowl. We need to compact it into X shaped packages so we can pull it apart for cell division.
Protein-DNA complex in which chromosomes exist in the nucleus. Proteins help maintain chromosome structure and regulate gene activity.
Why is eukaryotic cell division far more complex?
More chromosomes and larger cells
What is the cell cycle?
The process in which cells are actively dividing.
What is the G1 phase?
Accumulating the building blocks of chromosomal DNA and the associated proteins. It’s making proteins so that they are ready to go for DNA, making the dNTPs (building blocks), making ATP cause DNA synthesis and cell devision requires a lot of energy
- Protein
- Energy
Part one of interphase - where the cell is duplicating it’s materials; chromosomes, organelles, molecules, centrosomes, etc.
What is the S phase?
- DNA synthesis
- DNA replication
- Formation of sister chromatids that are joined at the centromere
We are replicating our chromosomes. DNA synthesis and replication occurs. Sister chromatids emerge for each chromosomes - one becomes two. These sisters will be pulled apart and form the single chromosome for our daughter cells.
What is a chromatid?
Copies of a single chromosome that are created for cell division. The sister will leave the house and be the chromosome for the new daughter cell.
What is the G2 phase?
We are putting together the furniture for the daughter cell.
- Making proteins for mitosis
- Duplicating organelles
- Replenishes energy stores
- Dismantle the cytoskeleton
What is cytokenisis?
Cytoplasmic division
What is mitosis?
Nuclear division
What is prophase?
Where chromosomes that existed in the spaghetti state condense.
Nuclear envelop disintegrates. We are opening the doors for the chromosomes to exit the nucleus.
The microtubules develop.
What are microtubules and what do they do?
What are centrosomes and what do they do?
What is the prometaphase?
What is the kinetochore?
What is metaphase?
Chromosomes are lined up across the middle and ready to be pulled apart.
What is the metaphase plate?
What are the phases of cell division?
What is the anaphase?
Chromosomes are being pulled apart.
What is the telaphase?
The chromosomes have been pulled apart to opposite poles and daughter cells are forming.
What is the prophase?
Chromosomes have condensed.
What is a karyotype and why can it only be seen in dividing cells?
When cells are dividing is the only time we can see them in the two-chromosome compact package.
Which proteins pull chromatids apart in the metaphase?
Motor proteins
What are gametes
Reproductive cells
Gametes are haploid
What are haploids
Organisms that only have one chromosome in the unit
What happens in meiosis 2?
Sister chromatids seperate
Why does chromosome crossover happen?
Different combinations of traits could lead to more advantageous genetics - natural selection
What is a recombinant?
Chromosomes that are made up of a little bit of mum and a little bit of dad. They are the products of crossing over.
What happens in meiosis 1?
Homologs seperate
What are the sources of genetic variation?
Different chromosome orientations. There are two equally possible ways that chromosomes can line up during metaphase I. It’s random which alignment they choose.
What does it mean to be haploid?
Only one copy of the chromosome in the cell - either from mom or dad. There no longer is a pair of two from both mom and dad.
Why is there no chromosome duplication between meiosis 1 and meiosis 2?
Why are gametes haploid instead of diploid?
Because they are reproductive cells. We want them to combine to form the chromosome pair for the cells of the baby where the baby has one chromosome from mum and one from dad in the allele.
When, and only when, does meiosis occur?
The formation of gamete (sperm and egg) cells.
What is nondisjunction?
When do we not have interphase?
Meiosis 2
What looks just like mitosis?
Meiosis 2
What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis?
- Cell type (body cells v. sex cells)
- Meiosis does PMAT twice
- Interphase: same
- Prophase: in meiosis, crossing over happens and in mitosis, it doesn’t
- Metaphase: Single file line of chromosomes. In meiosis, it’s pairs of chromosomes
- Anaphase: In mitosis, chromatids are pulled apart. In meiosis, chromosomes are pulled apart.
- Telaphase: ?
- Cytokinesis: same
- PMAT II: Same as mitosis and only meiosis does it
Is interphase in mitosis or meiosis?
What is PMAT?