Mitochondrial Genetics Flashcards
Describe the mitochondrial genome.
- Mitochondrial genome is double stranded, 16.5 kb, typically circular but may be linear in some tissues.
- Codes for 37 genes: 22tRNA, 2rRNA, 13 subunits of ETC.
- Each mitochondrion has 2 - 10 copies of genome.
Describe the tissue distribution of mitochondrial DNA.
Tissues that are more active will have more mitochondria to acomodate increased energy needs. Mitochondria in more active cells will also tend to have more mitochondrial DNA
What are some important differences between nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA.
- Mitochondrial DNA does not replicate with the cell cycle
- Mitochondrial DNA has a far higher mutation rate than nuclear DNA
- Mitochondrial DNA is entirely maternally inherited (sperm mito are degraded upon fert.)
Why does mitochondrial DNA have a higher mutation rate than nuclear DNA?
Mitochondria do not have as many repair mechanisms as nuclear DNA. Also, mitoDNA is more exon dense so the mutations are expressed more.
Define “Heteroplasmy”
Presence of both normal and abnormal mitochondria within a cell, tissue or individual. The percentages of normal and abnormal mito may differ among tissues, cells and individuals. The percentage of abnormal mitochondria may be an explanation for the differences in disease manifestations in cells, tissues and individuals.
Define “Homoplasmy”
Every mitochondria in the cell is the same. The mitochondria can be normal or abnormal.
What is the most important role of the mitochondria and where do the substrates for this process primarily come from?
Most important role is production of ATP via OxPhos (conversion of proton gradient to form ATP). The majority of the substrates for OxPhos come from the CAC.
What areas of the body to mitochondrial diseases primarily affect?
Tissues and organs that are most energetically demanding (i.e. brain, muscle, heart…)
How do you screen for mitochondrial disorders?
- Screening labs
1. Plasma/CSF lactate
2. Ketones, acylcarnitities, urine organic acids (metabolic intermediates)
3. Plasma AA such as alanine. Alanine and lactate interconvert but alanine is more reliable because it gives less false positives.
4. Neuroimaging
What are the cofactors required for pyruvate dehydrogenase?
Thyamine, NAD, FAD, CoA, alpha-lipoic acid
Which complex of the ETC does not have a mutation in either the mtDNA or nDNA that can lead to Leigh’s Syndrome?
Complex II. There can be a mutation in flavoprotein subunit A (SDHA)
What is the significance of POLG1 mutation?
POLG1 is a protein involved in replication of the mitochondrial genome. POLG1 mutation is responsible for a wide range of metabolic diseases because it causes depletion of the mitochondrial genome. This results in a patient’s inability to make normal numbers of substrates required for metabolism (i.e. ETC complexes, tRNAs)
List some disorders caused by POLG1 mutations.
- Alpers Syndrome
- Childhood myocerebralhepatopathy
- AR and AD PEO
What is the significance of a thymidine phosphoylase deficiency?
Thymidine phosphorylase is responsible for the breakdown of dTTP, contributing to the relatively even level of dNTPs present for DNA replication. A thymidine phosphorylase deficiency will result in a build up of dTTP which will be incorporated into mtDNA and nDNA during replication. MtDNA does not have as much rep. repair machinery as nDNA so mutations will accumulate over time. Responsible for MNGIE.
What is the significance of pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency.
Pyruvate dehydrogenase is responsible for converting pyruvate into acetyl CoA for enrtry into the TCA. Deficiency is an X-linked E1mutation and results in a lot of brain malformations as brain development is a very energetically expensive process and w/o the TCA cycle producing intermediates for ETC there is inadequate ATP. Patients also can experience lactic acidosis due to increased levels of pyruvate which is shunted into lactic acid fermentation for energy production.
What does MELAS stand for?
Mitochondrial Ecephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, Stroke-Like episodes
Childhood onset, typically presents with nonspecific neuro symptoms first (seizures, headaches, altered conciousness, blindness). Then progressive impairment of neuro function until it becomes permenant. These patients also have lactic acidosis, and myopathy.
Mitochondrial Cocktail
Used in treatment of MELAS and Leigh Syndrome. It is a mix of Coenzyme Q10, carnitine, creatine (alternative energy source) and lipoic acid (antioxidant to relieve oxidative stress)
MELAS Genetics
80% of cases have mutation in MT-L1 (mito tRNA gene) m.3243A>G).
-Heteroplasmy and tissue distribution affects phenotype.
MELAS Treatment
- Mitochondrial Cocktail
- Administer arginine during stroke like events to act as an NO donor for vasodilation
PDH Deficiency
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency so these patients cant convert pyruvate into acetyl CoA to enter into CAC
- Brain malformations (pretty much no brain)
- Occasionally cardiomyopathy and liver disease
PDH Genetics
- X-Linked mutation of E1alpha subunit of PDH
X-Linked mutation in gene coding for E1alpha subunit of PDH
PDH treatment
Ketogenic diet to increase energy/acetyl-coA production from beta-oxidation
- Avoid glucose intake
Leigh Syndrome
- PROGRESSIVE neurodegenerative disorder of BRAIN STEM/BASAL GANGLIA where patients are typically normal at birth
- “Subacute necrotizing ecephalomyopathy”
- Triggered by and increase in energy needs (i.e. infection)
- Elevated lactate levels
Leigh Syndrome Genetics
Genetic mutations in proteins involved in OxPhos. The mutations are typically in nDNA, mtDNA, or both (except for Complex II)
Mitochondrial gene that can be mutated in Leigh Syndrome. Degree of mutation affects phenotype (heteroplasmy)
- Mutant load 90% = Leigh Syndrome
mitochondrial gene that when mutation can cause leigh syndrome. Less severe than T8993G mutation. Heteroplasmy affects phenotype.
- Mutant load <90% = asymptomatic
T8993G vs. T8993C mutation
Mutations in mitochondrial DNA that can lead to Leigh Syndrome. T8993G mutation has higher probability of severe outcome with lower mutant load compared to T8993C. T8993 requires higher mutant load to become symptomatic.
Leigh Syndrome Management
- No treatment
- NaHCO3- to correct acidosis
- Antiepiletics (not valproic acid or barbituates)
- Mitochondrial Cocktail
- Hospice care
What antiepiletics should not be used for treatment of mitochondrial disorders?
Valproic acid and barbituates. These inhibit the OxPhos chain.
- Severe and progressive encephalopathy of the cortex (opposite of Leigh’s)
- Seizure is usually first symptom
- Liver dysfuntion (may be due to condition or anticonvulsants)
What functions does POLG1 have?
Critical for mtDNA replication/repair with 3 main functional domains: Polymase, Exonuclease, Linker
Mitochondrial NeurogastroIntestinal Encephalopathy
MNGIE Symptoms
- Start in adolescence
- GI symptoms: severe GI dysmotility, cachexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation.
- Peripheral Neuopathy
- Opthalmoplegia
MNGIE Genetics
Thymidine phosphorylase deficiency caused by a mutation in NUCLEAR DNA which disrupts mitochondrial DNA replication (build up of dTTP and lack of repair mechanisms in mitochondria)
What is the difference between Alper’s Syndrome and Childhood Myocerebrohepatopathy?
They are both caused by defects in POLG1 but Alpers has two mutations in the POLG1 gene while child myocerebralhepatopathy has only one mutation.