Mistakes To Avoid Flashcards
Gate Exam Mistakes to avoid
asked angle BAD and given solution of angle ABD
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Considered bitwise operator to Logical operator (& != &&)
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Answers to select was “FALSE” and attemptes assuming “True”
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SDT answer gave for “aabdc” but actual question was for “aadbc” (bd != db)
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32 - (6 + 5 + 5) = 16.
I wrote 15. (2 marks lost)
Calculation Mistake
Forgot to subtract common combination from asked two different ones.
Concept and Question understanding issue.
Didn’t read “integer” word in question and gave answer for all numbers
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in question there was “OR” mensioned and I took question as “AND”
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forgot to calculate log in log(tan45) and got answer as 1 (correct = 0)
Reevaluate the question and solution method.
Asked conditioned probability and I gave total probability
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Calculation mistake in jumping quickly to conclusion. It was (9 - 3) and I put (9 - 4) without rechecking.
Always recheck calculations
Calculation mistake in calculation of leaf nodes of tree. Miscalculated internal node as leaf.
Recheck the calculations. Especially those in which have very high confidence of concept.
Didn’t read “Only” word in the option and chose it but another option was answer
Keep close attention to words like “Exactly, Only, Most, Never, Always” these create more restriction on answer and may have chance of being False.
Mistake in binary conversion of 13
it is 1101 and I put 1011
Recheck every binary conversion.
Asked SP with 20% profit. I gave CP as answer.
Read the question before an attempt and read the question after an attempt
mistake in calculation of denominator to nominator
Recheck all the steps of calculations before moving to next step.
Given 5% and I took 5.
5% was 4 in that case
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In operating system scheduling Mistake in calculation of Waiting time (5 - 4 = 1) but I took it as 2.
Recheck every calculation before moving forward.
Knew the method but due to lengthy avoided doing it and lost 2 Marks in Calculus L’Hospital rule
Do not procrastinate. if know the method then complete it then and there.
Thought it was printing mistake and assumed the incorrect option.
Never think of printing mistake in GATE. Always give your best answer without assuming. If it’s incorrect, then it IS INCORRECT. no need to assume that it may be printing mistake and so take it as correct. NO!
Used wrong formula for nCr
Don’t get in over confidence.
Asked for false statement and one statement had “not correct” format. i.e.(membership is not decidable for recursive language.) I did’nt read “not” and took it whole sentence true. which was false.
Read Options Carefully. especially for true false type ones.