mistakes Flashcards
Questions to ask potential clients
Potential conflicts of interest
Previous auditor contact process
Any scenarios from questions been fixed/changed, or problems for the company/future.
going concern
Retirement of leader,
Or lack of succession plans
Auditors can prepare FS for who
LTDs only
Assurance report on controls can be…
Either limited or Reasonable assurance, never absolute (expectations gap)
Opinion shopping additional procedures.
Perform back ground checks on MGMT
Ensure adequate resources and expertise are available in the firm
legal proceedings extra point
LICENSE REVOCATION or Closure of business
MGMT override tests
Whistle blowing procedures
Review significant estimates/judgements
Intimidation threat safeguard
More experienced workers
Impact on other areas of the audit
Self interest threat
Anything relating to loss + fee income
Disciplinary action
considerations for new appointments
Opening balance concerns + companies
Enquiries of MGMT over RATIOS:
is it due to …( (list changes in activities)
Due to over/under statement of … (link to ratio)
GPM and OM differences due to:
> Changing classification of costs
> Provisions for damages…
sources of evidence/documents
Aged receivables, inventory, payables
Contracts/Correspondence with suppliers/customers
Breakdown of {COGS}{operating costs}
Product costs + selling prices
Client evaluating Firm tender
Auditors experience in sector + with systems
[quality] Audit strategy, reliance on controls/IA, Use of data analytics
proposed fee, BEST VFM
personnel for audit,
>can they work with them?
> efficiency
Proposed timeline> deadlines >busy periods
Any other services they can provide?
Points for Engagement letter + reason
Who report is directed to
Intended use:
> to avoid reliance by unforeseen 3rd parties
> limited liability
Period covered by forecast info
nature of assumptions
> clarity on what subject to review
> Accountant reports on reasonableness
Statement of MGMTs responsibilities… (SPECIFIC)
Performed in accordance with … (ISAs, ISAEs)
caveat/disclaimer -> avoid over reliance
nature of assurance to be provided (reasonable/limited)
Form of reports provided
after date payments for
Analytical procedures
Compare year on year
Compare average per:
>for prior year
>for budget
>for each office
Providing finance to client
= credit checks
= review their budgets + forecasts
sensitivity analysis
interest rates
exchange rates
time to achieve…
amounts received…
variations in seasonality, costs, demand
cost of selling/making etc
loss of customers when opening stores from on lines
rent reviews
check terms of contract for credit details
check date on contract
direct confirmation of balance with customers
re perform calculations, exclude certain customers
reasonable assurance
detailed testing (controls, systems, numbers) + analytical …