Missing Persons Flashcards
Risk categories for missing persons
Low - risk of harm to person or public is minimal
Medium - risk of harm to person or public is likely but not serious
Hight - risk of harm to person or public is very likely
Personal risk factors for missing persons
- Age
- Physical disability
- Mental health problems
- Do they require essential medication not likely to be available to them
- Addiction dependence
Belief that they may not have the ability to interact safely with others in an unknown environment
Circumstances relating to the disappearance of a missing person
- Out of character behaviour
- Suspected to be the victim of a significant crime in progress – abduction
- Indication they are likely to commit suicide
- Reason for the person to go missing
- Indications that preparations have been made for the person’s absence
- Time passed between the person going missing and it being reported
- What was the person intending to do when last seen (for example, going to the shops or catching a bus), and did they fail to complete their intentions
- Weather conditions can present risk
NOT a missing person if:
- Wanted (evading custody/courts) - unless minor offence (shoplifting) so treated as missing
- Trying to trace a long-lost relative
- Homelessness
- Those playing truant from school
- Asylum seekers - unless risk suggests they should
- Mental health AWOL patients unless risk is immediate
- Been abducted
Prevention interview for a missing person
- Need before closing case
- Ensures wellbeing
- Face to face
- Within 24 hours or 1 hour for high risk
Non-disclose of whereabouts for missing persons
If they request that their location is not to be disclosed to the family or informant then police should not disclose.
Adult with no vulnerabilities
Right under Article 8 ECHR to a private life.
Record on MERLIN location not to be disclosed so you don’t breach ECHR
Missing persons - Textsafe
Send a message to the missing person’s phone and asks them to make contact. This could lead to an early resolution.
Search a property in relation to missing persons
Need their consent (would also search out buildings and loft)
Initial search for the person (so cant search draws etc), later search for information on whereabouts so can look in drawers etc.
If they refuse to give consent, record in pocket notebook
Missing persons - Herbert Protocols
National scheme that encourages carers, family and friends to put together useful information which can be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing