Missed Questions Flashcards
Human’s now spend _% of our time indoors:
If a building owner wants to evaluate the environmental impact of its energy, water, solid waste, materials, and transportation systems as a whole, it would use which metric?
Carbon emissions
T/F Increased thermal comfort is a benefit of Daylighting?
LeadingGreen chooses to gut an existing building in a historic district, thus gaining points in which 2 LEED credits?
High Priority Sites & Building Reuse
In the Indoor Water Use Reduction prerequisite and credit, what is the baseline case compared to?
The design case installed in the building
(The baseline case is compared to the design case installed in the building, in order to find the percentage reduction in indoor water use. Design case versus the baseline case as determined by the EPAct of 1992 is the correct answer.)
Commissioning is the process of verifying and documenting that a building and all of its systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained to meet the owner’s project requirements. What is its median payback for an existing building?
1.7 years
How many credit categories does the LEED BD+C rating systems have?
(Location and Transportation (LT); Sustainable Sites (SS); Water Efficiency (WE); Energy and Atmosphere (EA); Materials and Resources (MR); Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ); Innovation (IN); and Regional Priority (RP). Even though it has 1 credit and 1 prerequisite, the Integrative Process (IP) is not included as a credit category.)
T/F Installing building-level meters will help reduce the amount of potable water used for irrigation?
(Building-level meters will track the whole building’s water use but will not show whether the potable water used for irrigation is being reduced. Irrigation water use would have to be tracked separately which is addressed in the water-metering credit.)
How do LEED Interpretations differ from Project CIRs?
- Precedent setting
- Published online
- Subject to consensus-based review
What is the ISO 14000 standard used for?
Environmentally preferable goods and services?
An environmentally preferable purchasing policy would include materials that are _______?
durable and support the local economy
Vegetated roofs can be used toward the minimum 25% vegetation requirement for projects that _______?
achieve a floor-to-area ratio of at least 1.5
What is the GBCI responsible for?
- Third-party technical reviews of registered LEED projects
- Overseeing LEED credential maintenance
- Administration of the LEED exams
Indoor water use reduction & bicycle parking and showers use what to measure occupancy?
Buildings are becoming more and more unique and require specific items based on their location and space type. How does LEED address this?`
LEED Rating System Adaptations
Transportation demand strategies that can reduce single-occupancy vehicle use include what?
• Locating a project near public transportation
• Encouraging carpooling
• Encouraging walking or bicycling
• Providing preferred parking for green vehicles
• Discounted transportation passes for buses, rails,
ferries, etc.
• Telecommuting
• Compressed workweeks
A major focus in LEED is to ensure that a building is located on a site that is near diverse uses, in a dense area and has developmental constraints. Which credit category specifically encourages that?
Location and Transport
What kind of strategies does the sustainable sites credit category encourage?
strategies that minimize the impact on ecosystems and water resources
Who develops ongoing improvements to LEED rating systems?
USGBC member-based volunteer committees
What are the basic types of improvements that keep the rating systems current?
Development of Addendas to supplement the rating systems
Major updates to provide the next versions of the rating systems
Maintenance of the current versions of the rating systems
Transportation is the second largest contributor of global greenhouse gases at what percentage?
The USGBC requires reporting different building parameters at least every 5 years to increase transparency, as well as to:
contribute to knowledge that will advance research in the future
There are many new alternative compliant paths (ACPs) in LEED v4. Which of the following is an ACP for the International Green Construction Code (IgCC) for an entire building?
ASHRAE 189.1
The greatest threat to global warming potential is presented by which group of refrigerants?
What type of energy is used by products that are powered by means of an ordinary AC plug?
plug load
In the Indoor Water Use Reduction prerequisite and credit, what is the baseline case compared to?
The design case installed in the building
Why should a project team follow SMACNA guidelines?
To minimize indoor air quality issues caused by construction
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioners Contractors National Association
LeadingGreen chooses to gut an existing building in a historic district, thus gaining points in which 2 LEED credits?
Building Reuse
High Priority Sites
Humans now spend _% of our time indoors?
WaterSense is a certification for what?
Indoor water fixtures
Awareness and Education is a unique credit category in LEED for Neighborhood Development T/F?
Awareness and Education are covered under the Innovation credit category in LEED for Commercial Buildings
The Regional Priority credit category is specific to_____?
The LEED Project Type
Sinage prohibiting smoking must be placed within ____ of all windows and doors?
10 feet or 3 meters
Smoking is not permitted in residential projects. T/F?
Around ____% of GHG emissions are due to buildings?
Around ___% of GHG emissions are due to transportation?
What are the primary goals of the commissioning process?
Ensuring that the project complies with the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) and the project team’s Basis of Design (BOD)
One way to discourage the use of conventional gas-operated vehicles is to encourage the use of alternative green vehicles by:
Install preferred parking spots for specified vehicles
After substantial completion and occupancy, how can the project team maintain ongoing energy efficiency via a third party?
When calculating FTE the total number of hours worked should be divided by?
8 hour work day
What are the legally binding documents that describe the quality of materials to be used on a project called?
What is site energy?
The amount of heat and electricity consumed by a building as reflected in utility bills
What subsystems can be metered at 80% to earn a point?
Domestic hot water & indoor plumbing fixtures
Cooling towers must be ____% metered
What is a soft cost?
is one that is not directly related to building, construction, etc. Examples are building permit fees, architectural, legal, financing, and engineering fees, commissioning, and other costs incurred before and after construction
Commercial construction is responsible for ____% of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States?
What was missing in the green building industry that the USGBC, along with LEED, has filled?
A standard measurement and definition of green building
ASHRAE Standard 55-2010
establishes the six factors that affect thermal comfort, air temperature, radiant temperature, air velocity, humidity, clothing insulation, and metabolic heat.
ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010
Ventilation (minimum rates)
ASHRAE Standard 52.2–2007:
Ventilation (Air Filters)
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010:
Energy efficiency
What is Energy Use Intensity (EUI)
total energy consumed per unit of floor space
How many LEED Rating Systems are there?
BD+C = 10 ID+C = 3 O+M = 6 ND = 2
In the U.S. buildings account for ___% of water usage including landscaping?
Natural ventilation can lead to ample points through the Energy Performance credit but its most troubling factor is that:
The system may not be able to provide enough fresh outdoor air