Missed Questions Flashcards
Who is the legal governing board of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America?
The National Board of Directors,
Who’s two organizations endorse Family, Career and Community Leaders of America?
U.S. Department of Education
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)
What is the mission of FCCLA?
To promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and Community leader, members develop skills for life through - character development; creative and critical thinking; interpersonal communication; practical knowledge; and Career preparation.
Who is eligible to be a member of FCCLA?
Any student who is taking has taken a Family and Consumer Sciences education course and who pays the appropriate membership dues.
What is FCCLA?
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through family and consumer Sciences education.
What is youth-centered leadership?
A process through which youth members are responsible for planning, carrying out and evaluating chapter projects and activities.
What is the role of a chapter president?
Presides over the chapter during meetings, project selection and planning; appoints committees or members for specific jobs related to projects and serves as an ex-officio member of such committees.
Role of the chapter vice-president?
Assists the president in overseeing the work of project committees; fills in when the president is absent.
Role of the chapter secretary?
Maintains written minutes of the decisions related to projects and activities; works with president to complete a written Planning Process worksheet to be posted for member review.
What is the role of the chapter treasurer?
Collects and records all fundraising monies and dues; maintains written records and receipts for all funds spent on chapter project(s).
What is a quorum?
Minimum number of members that must be present to conduct the business of the meeting; usually a simple majority unless otherwise specified in the bylaws
How is FCCLA financed?
FCCLA is a nonprofit organization supported by student membership dues in addition to funds raised from individuals, corporations, foundations, and federal grants.
Who is eligible to use the names, “Family, Career and Community Leaders of America” and “FCCLA”, as well as the emblem?
Only affiliated (dues paying) members and chapters.
What does the FCCLA emblem represent?
The FCCLA emblem represents Family, Career and Community Leaders of America as a dynamic, active organization. The Dominant collegiate lettering articulates a focus on education and student leadership. The swooping arch embodies an active organization that moves toward new arenas. The color of the emblem is one of the organizational colors - red
What are the official FCCLA colors and what do they represent?
Red: strength, courage, determination, positive self-image
White: sincerity of purpose, integrity of action, build a better tomorrow