Missed combank concepts Flashcards
temporal presentation due to cause of splanchnic aneurysms
younger patients - fibromuscular dysplasia
elderly females - portal hypertension
most common - splenic arteries
treatment for hiatal hernias
type I: symptomatic - omeprazole
type II, III, IV - surgical correction d/t risk of volvulus
treatment for achalasia
dor fundoplication
180 degree anterior wrap
tuopet fundoplication - 270 degree posteiror wrap of the fundus around the esophagus
nissen fundoplication - circumferential wrap
gold standard therapy for GERD
nessen fundoplication
burn is red in apperance
blanches with pressure
sensation intact
first degree burn
involves only the epidermis
burn that causes skin to be red with blisters, moist, elastic and blanch with pressure
superficial second degree burn epidermis and superficial dermis most of skin appendages will be intact sensation intact 1-3 week healing
burn that causes skin to appera white with few erythematous areas
dry, waxy, loses elasticity and limited blanching
deep second degree burn
most of dermis and most skin appendages have been destroyed
sensation will be decreased but not anesthetic
3 week healing
white or charred with thrombosed vessels
dry and leathery skin
no blanching
sensation is limited
third degree
all of dermis and all skin appendages
wounds do not heal well and scar with contracture
deep, potentially lfie threatening burn that extends into underlying tissues suhc as fascia, muscle and/or bone
fourth degree burns
treatment for MRSA
vanco or linezolid linezolid binds 23s ribosomal RNA of 50s SU prevents 70 formation prevents translation
bacteriostatic against enterococci and stpahylococci
bacteriostatic against streptococci
treatment of skin infections with s. aureus or s pyogenes
liver mass- hypervascular nodule that contains arteriovenous connections
poorly encaspulated nodule with central depressed stellate scar that contains blood vessels
focal nodular hyperplasia
observe - remove if symptomatic
LE paraplegia and loss of pain and temperature sensation
intact proprioception
anterior spinal cord syndrome
can occur during thoraco-abdominal aneurysm repair
sterile environments with no source of infection present other than potential skin contaminants
clean wounds
accidental wounds that involve violation of sterile feidls or gross spillage of infectious contents into a previously sterile field
contaminated wounds