Misrepresentation Flashcards
What statement is required for a misrepresentation claim?
False statement of fact or law to induce contracting
When must the statement take place for it to be misrepresentation ?
The clear and unambiguous statement must take place before the contract
To whom can the misrepresentation be made?
- Innocent party
- A third party
What is a false statement?
Not substantially correct
What is a statement of fact?
Present or past conditions
Is a statement of opinion a statement of fact?
No - if honestly, genuinely and reasonably held
Is a promise misrepresentation?
No, it goes beyond a statement
is a statement of future events a misrepresentation?
Is a statement of intention misrepresentation?
Maybe, if the person making it knew it was false when they made it
Is silence typically misrepresentation?
Is there a duty on a party to disclose facts?
When is disclosure of facts required?
When there is fiduciary duty between the parties
What is ubberimae fidei (utmost good faith) ?
Contracts which require utmost good faith and one party has knowledge essential to the contract which is impossible for the other party to check
Is a partial nondisclosure (a half truth) that is technically true but still misleading misrepresentation?
If you make a statement that is initially true but later becomes untrue before you sign a contract, do you have a duty to correct it, and if you fail to do so, is this misrepresentation?
Yes and Yes
Does the misrepresentation have to be the sole reason for the innocent party entering into the contract?
No, but it must be a substantial reason
What is the test the court will use to determine if the innocent party was induced by the false statement?
Viewed objectively, a reasonable person in claimant’s position would have been influenced by the false statement
Are “ad speak” or “puff” misrepresentations?
What are the three types of misrepresentation?
- Fraudulent misrepresentation
- Negligent misrepresentation
- Innocent misrepresentation
What is fraudulent misrepresentation?
You make a statement
1. Knowingly
2. Recklessly (careless as to its truth) OR
3. Without belief in its truth
What is negligent misrepresentation?
You cannot prove that you had reasonable grounds for believing, and did believe, that the facts represented were true
What is innocent misrepresentation?
A misstatement not made fraudulently or negligently
What are the remedies for misrepresentation?
- Voidable
- Rescission
- Damages
Is a contract voidable for any type of misrepresentation?
Is rescission available and what is rescission?
Yes for all three types and it unwinds the contract to put parties back in their previous position
Is rescission an equitable remedy and if so, what is the effect?
Yes, the courts have a discretion to grant this
What is required for rescission?
- Notification or a court order
- Indemnity - court may order that the misrepresentor provide an indemnity to restore the pre-contract position
What are the bars to rescission?
- Affirmation of the contract
- Lapse of time
- Impossibility of restitution
- Third-party rights (third party acquires rights)
What is affirmation?
You find out about the misrepresentation and you continue with the contract (by a statement or conduct)
When does the clock run for lapse of time to bar rescission?
- For all types other than fraudulent - from the time you discover, or should have discovered, the misrepresentation
- For fraudulent misrepresentation - from the date the fraud was uncovered
What is impossibility of restitution?
Impossible to restore parties to pre-contractual position as goods have declined in value or nature of subject matter changed
How are damages dealt with for fraudulent misrepresentation?
Tort of deciet
Put innocent party back in position they would have been but for the misrepresentationWh
Are damages available for innocent misrepresentation?
No, but damages can be awarded in lieu of rescission
When are damages in lieu of rescission typically awarded?
For minor misreprsentations
What is the measure of damages usually awarded?
- Losses from entering the contract
- Incidental expenditure
Unlike for breach of contract which puts parties in position they would have been