Misinformation and Disinformation Example Flashcards
false of misleadding information that is misinterpreted and shared accidentally
false information that is shared or created intentionally
3 questions to evaluate media messages
- Who’s behind the information?
- What’s the evidence?
- What do other sources say?
Why do we fall for misinformation?
- We have a general bias to believe that things are true. 3 occasions are all it takes for us to believe
Misinformation includes enough truth to …
Disinformation can …
exploit bias, divisions, and inconsistencies in target group or society
simple software programs that perform automated tasks on the internet
Troll Factories
interactions with humans who paid to start arguments
Troll Factory Examples
Internet Research Agency (Russia)
“Spanoflauge” (China)
Troll Factories use
virtual private network (VPN) to disguise location and SIM cards to verify accounts
Troll Factories create and steal
fake names and existing profile pictures
Employees of the Troll Factories may be assigned to
Youtube, Facebook, and other
Employees of Troll Factories are paid by
for producing a certain number of times per day
9 Questions to Ask Yourself
- Did it spark anger or disgust?
- Did it make you feel good?
- Is it hard to believe?
- Did it confirm what you already thought?
- What is the source?
- How old is the account?
- Do I know this is true?
- Is it hard to read?
9.Is this account a real person?
Why do people share misinformation?
- They want to help
- Emotional connection
- Information Overload
- Relatability
Why do people create disinformation?
- Make money
- Change your mind
- Disrupt Democracy
- Followers and Clout
- Track your activity
- Show you what you want
- Keep you engaged
- Create Echo Chambers
Misinformation through memes is
- Easy to create
- Spreads quickly
3.Can hit all demographics - Hard for ai to detect
Images and videos can be
manipulated and used out context ( deepfakes and cheapfakes)
Crossposted content
- Posts loose context
- Hides who’s behind it
- Easy to spread fake posts
Lateral Reading
- look for fact checks
2.Google fact check explorer
Reading Upstream
- Go directly
- Find original videos or images
3.Look for speeches prepared remarks or research studies
Reverse Image Searching
- images. google . com
- look for dates and context
- works for edited photos