Miscellaneous syndromes: Autosomal Recessive Flashcards
Familial Dysautonomia (Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy (HSAN) Type III)
Inheritance: Autosomal recessive
● AJ founder mutation c.2204+6T>C
● Only three mutations total
Familial Dysautonomia (Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy (HSAN) Type III) Major features
Major features ●Progressive neuronal deterioration ●Usually normal intellect ●Inability to produce tears ●Delayed speech, delayed motor milestones ●Unsteady gait ●Corneal abrasion ●Decreased pain and temperature perception ●Poor growth ●Dysphagia ●Skin picking/ self mutilation ●Unstable blood pressure ●Red, puffy hands ●Dysautonomia crises oVomiting, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, sweating, drooling, blotching of skin, negative change in personality oResponse to physical and emotional stressors
Familial Mediterranean Fever: Genetics
Inheritance: Autosomal recessive
Gene: MEFV
Familial Mediterranean Fever: Features
●Autoinflammatory disease
●AA Amyloidosis
●Recurrent febrile episodes with peritonitis, synovitis, and/or pleuritis
●Recurrent erythema
●Elevated serum fibrinogen
●Kidney failure may occur from prolonged amyloidosis
●Preventative oral colchecine
Fryns Syndrome: Genetics
Inheritance: Autosomal recessive
Genes: Unknown, may be associated with genes on chromosome 8 and/or 15
Fryns Syndrome: Major features
●Diaphragmatic hernia ●Distal digital hypoplasia ●Significant pulmonary hypoplasia ●Death in the neonatal period ●Dysmorphic features oCoarse facial features oOcular hypertelorism oBroad, flat nasal bridge oLong philtrum oLow-set and poorly formed ears oMacrostomia oMicrognathia ●Characteristic associated anomalies
Fryns Syndrome: characteristic associated anomalies:
oPolyhydramnios oCloudy corneas/microphthalmia oOrofacial clefting oBrain malformation oCardiovascular malformation oRenal dysplasia oRenal cortical cysts oGI malformation oGenital malformation
Chromosome studies should be done to rule out other causes of diaphragmatic hernia
Pendred Syndrome: Genetics
Inheritance: Autosomal recessive
Gene: PDS
Pendred Syndrome:Major features
●Congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss
oCaused by enlarged vestibular aqueducts (always think Pendred if you see this)
oHead trauma can rupture the aqueducts and worsen the severity of hearing loss
●Thyroid dysfunction
●Allelic disorder – enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (PXE): Genetics
Inheritance: Autosomal recessive
Gene: ABCC6
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (PXE): Major Features
●Pseudoxanthomas in the eyes, skin, and blood vessels
oMineralization and fragmentation of elastic fibers in soft tissues
●Premature atherosclerosis
●Peau d’orange on ophthalmologic exam
●GI bleeding (usually stomach)
●Muscle pain
●Increased risk for MI
TAR Syndrome (Thrombocytopenia with Absent Radius)
Inheritance: Autosomal recessive
Genes: A bunch
Major features: ●Thrombocytopenia ●Congenital absence of the radial bone ●Joint problems ●Heart anomalies ●Genitourinary anomalies
Usher Syndrome
Inheritance: Autosomal recessive
Major features:
● Hearing loss (congenital in type I, hard of hearing in type II, progressive in type III)
● Retinitis pigmentosa and associated vision loss
● Vestibular abnormalities leading to balance issues
Wolfram Syndrome
Inheritance: Autosomal recessive
Gene: WFS1
Major features:
●Childhood-onset diabetes mellitus
●Optic atrophy
Cohen Syndrome: Genetics
Inheritance: Autosomal recessive
Gene: VPS13B (COH1)
Cohen Syndrome: Major features
Major features: ●Retinal dystrophy ●Acquired microcephaly ●Progressive high myopia ●Intellectual disability ●Global developmental delay ●Hyptonia ●Joint hypermobility ●Short stature ●Truncal obesity ●Slender extremities ●Sociable disposition ●Neutropenia ●Dysmorphic features oThick hair/eyebrows oLong eyelashes oWave-shaped palpebral fissures oBulbous nasal tip oSmooth philtrum