Miscellaneous (E1) Flashcards
Thin Slicing
quick personality judgments based off little to no info
organized info/something you understand
as simple as possible
anything outside the person
Halo Effect
what is beautiful is good hypothesis
infer a person’s character from their facial features (a pseudoscience)
Cultural Axioms
general beliefs in a culture
describing personality phenomena (preferably) in qualitative form
Persona-Situation Fit
fits a certain situation better than others
Adjective Check List (ACL)
a test where you check boxes that apply to you
Front Door Technique
just asking someone a question
Back Door Technique
looking for evidence without asking someone about it
Name Letter Effect
people prefer the letters belonging to their own name
Implicit Association Test (IAT)
measures the difference in response time to associations between two concept pairs
Types of Research Designs
observational, correlational, experimental