Miscellaneous Crimes Flashcards
Perjury is the making of a false oath or affirmation in a judicial proceeding in regard to a material matter.
Subornation of Perjury
Subornation of perjury is the procurement of perjury from another.
Embracery is an attempt by corrupt and wrongful means to influence a juror in regard to the jury’s verdict.
Breach of Peace
A breach of peace is a willful act which unreasonably disturbs the public peace.
Unlawful Assembly
An unlawful assembly is a meeting of three or more people with a common plan to commit an unlawful act or a lawful act in a manner likely to cause a breach of peace.
A rout is the movement of unlawful assemblers for the purpose of carrying out the common design.
A riot is a tumultuous breach of peace by three or more persons acting together to commit a crime by open force or to carry out any common enterprise.
An affray is a mutual fight in a public place.