Miscellaneous Aquatic Questions Flashcards
Describe the form of a HOMOCERCAL tail
A tail that is relatively symmetric on the top and bottom, two lobes of equal proportion. The final vertebra will tilt upward towards the dorsal lobe.
Describe the form of a HETEROCERCAL tail
A tail that is asymmetric, with a larger dorsal fin lobe. The vertebral column will turn into the dorsal fin lobe.
Describe the form of a DIPHYCERCAL tail
The only true symmetric tail where the vertebral column extends directly caudally and does not twist in any way
Describe a BENTHIC fish
A fish that lives along the sea bottom
Describe a PELAGIC fish
A fish that lives along the water column
Describe PLACOID scales
Borne of dermal (dentine) bone, grow in numbers and protrude through the dermis of primitive fishes like sharks.
Describe GANOID scales
Armor-like scales that are found on gars and bichirs. They display cyclomorial growth.
Describe CTENOID scales
Advanced scales of teleosts which grow from a focus and ripple outward.
Describe CYCLOID scales
circular growth, flat and round
What does the Meckel’s cartillage in the shark, turn into in the perch?
The meckels cartilage becomes the articular bone in the perch.
What does the PQ in the shark, turn into in the perch?
Quadrate, epipterygoid.
What does the Hyomandibular in the shark, turn into in the perch?
Hyomandibular and symplectic
What is the Chondrocranium and Neurocranium?
The braincase
What is the splanchnocranium?
All parts of the head / hyoid arches that are NOT the braincase.
What are the ceratotrichia called in teleosts?