Miscellaneous Flashcards
Can wetlands or endangered species habitat ever be developed?
“Short reverberation” / “long reverberation”
Dead / Live
V=volume of space
A=total absorptivity
IBC: Construction types I & II
Noncombustible materials
IBC: Construction Type III
Exterior walls are noncombustible, interior elements are of any materials complying with code
IBC: Construction Type IV
Heavy timber
IBC: Construction Type V
Exterior and interior elements are of any materials complying with the code
Equation to determine buildable area using floor area ratio
Buildable area = total area * FAR
Four standard approaches to historic buildings
Preservation / Restoration / Rehabilitation / Reconstruction
An owner has absolute title to the property and may sell it to another person
Fee simple ownership
An owner does not hold a title to the property, but owns a share of a corporation that owns the property
Cooperative ownership
Typical angle of vision of human eye
130 degrees
Contractor’s project overhead costs
Costs specific to a project, but exclude labor, materials, and equipment. (Payroll taxes included in labor.) Can include bonds and insurance, temporary facilities, permits, and transportation related to the project as well as other expenses.
Contractor’s general overhead
Costs that cannot be attributed directly to a project. Can include rent, utilities, advertising, office supplies, general legal expenses, and staff wages. Can vary from 5-20% of project costs, depending on the size of the firm.
Methods to increase building efficiency
One story building / double-loaded corridors / mechanical units on roof / smaller means of egress (low occupancy)
Eight categories of open space from Ian McHarg’s “Design with Nature,” from most to least tolerant of development
- flat land (excluding prime agricultural land)
- forests and woodlands
- steep slopes
- aquifers
- aquifer recharge areas
- floodplains
- marshes
- surface water