Misc2//23// Flashcards
His personality i s completely different from mine.
Su forma de ser/personalidad es completamente opuesta a la mía.
opposite, different, conflicting, opposed
opuesto -adj
opuesto meaning opposite is for location
I need to plug-in and unplug my cell phone into the plug-in.
Necesito enchufar y desenchufar mi celular en el plug-in.
The man told the boy to sit down and then stand-up.
El hombre le dijo al chico que se sentara y luego se levantara.
indirect speak, decir takes le and
past tenses - preterite and imp subj
The plane took-off and immediately landed.
El avión despegó e inmediatamente aterrizó.
Today is February 29, 2023.
Hoy es 29 de febrero de 2023.
Daniela and Diana say do not use article before the date, but Walter says you can.
VS do not use the article before the number date. As above is correct.