Misc. - HB Flashcards
What is prospect theory?
People will take on more risk to potentially void losses but settle for moderate gain before taking risk at higher gain
Odd lot theory
Small investors (who purchase in odd or broken lots) do not know what they are doing and will do the wrong thing at the wrong time in a market’s cycle.
Barron’s confidence theory
the ratio of the yield of high quality bond issues to the yield of low quality bond issues is an indicator of investor confidence in the stock market.
* high ratio = high confidence (max value of 1
Dow theory
Stock prices move in tends (primary, secondary, and tertiary)
* 2 secondary tends predict a reversal in sentiment, but 1 alone does not.
What is the unbiased expectations theory?
That positively slopped yield curve means investors expect interest rates to rise in future
What is the liquidity preference theory?
B/C preference for liquidity and higher risk of long duration bonds, investors require to be compensated for said risk