Misc Flashcards
A batch of goods destined for or delivered to someone
University Entry Qualification
Die Belegschaft
To get the sack
To be fired
1) now unemployed - arbeitslos
2) more than needed - überflüssig
to be made redundant
redundant - arbeitslos
to be laid off
When an employee is laid off, it typically has nothing to do with the employee’s personal performance.
to hand in your notice / resignation
to resign /to quit
a wage earner is paid by the hour
a salary
a salaried person is paid a fixed amount per pay period
commencement of employment - der Beginn
remaining holiday entitlement
holiday entitlement
արձակուրդի իրավունք
probationary period
pension scheme
The company retirement pension CRP
die Mappe
the folder not MAP!!!
the introduction needs to be
revised / re-worked
der Chef
boss, chef =cook
aktuelle Preisliste
current / latest price-list
die Fabrik
I’m calling …. a meeting.
to set up / organize
Would you like to suggest some alternative “Termine” for the meeting?
dates / times
dates / times
diary / calendar
pencil sth/sb
to arrange for something to happen or for someone to do something on a particular date or occasion, knowing that the arrangement might be changed later
pencil sth/sb
Sie vorlaäufig vormerken
es schaffen
make it / get it. I’m sorry but I won’t be able to make it to the meeting
The meeting has been “vorverlegt” to tomorrow afternoon.
moved / put back / moved forward
I’ll be driving … Frankfurt
in good time
den Vorsitz haben
to chair
Lilia is going (den Vorsitz haben) today’s meeting
to chair
any other business
AOB Can we discuss that under AOB?
move on - As time is short, we have to move on.
There seems to be a Missverstandnis here
I’d like to summarize what we’ve agreed on today.
number of the/one’s direct line
international code / country code
area code
die Leitung/die Nummer ist besetzt
the line/number is engaged or (Amer.) busy
jmdn. durchstellen / verbinden
to put through
die Leitung wurde unterbrochen
the call was interrupted
das Sortiment
range - a wide range of wines
Wir möchten bei Ihnen gern eine Bestellung über … aufgeben.
We are pleased to place an order with you for…
We’d like to order …
Bitte schicken Sie uns die unten genannten Waren.
Please send us the following goods.
Please send us the goods /items listed below.
Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die Waren bis zum gewünschten Termin liefern können.
Please confirm that you can supply these goods by the required date.
Please confirm that you can deliver by February 10.
Als Anlage erhalten Sie den Vertrag in zweifacher Ausführung.
Enclosed please find two copies of the contract.
Vielen Dank für Ihren Brief vom…
Thank you for your letter of…
Many thanks for your letter dated …
Als Anlage erhalten Sie den Vertrag in zweifacher Ausführung.
Enclosed please find two copies of the contract.
Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass…
We regret to inform you that…
In unserer Bestellung wurde ein Fehler festgestellt.
A mistake has been made in our order.
There seems to be a mistake in our order.
Ihre Bestellung wird bearbeitet.
Your order is being processed.
We are working on your order.
Ihre Bestellung wird bearbeitet.
Your order is being processed.
We are working on your order.
Bitte erledigen Sie diese Angelegenheit umgehend.
Please give this matter your immediate attention.
Please deal with this asap.
Bitte weiterleiten.
Please forward.
Wir möchten Sie hiermit auf unsere Rechnung vom … hinweisen
We would like to draw your attention to our invoice of…
We would like to remind you of our invoice dated …
Sollten Sie den betreffenden Betrag schon gezahlt haben, so ignorieren Sie bitte diese Zahlungserinnerung.
If you have already settled the account, please ignore this reminder.
If you have already paid the invoice, please ignore this reminder.
Ich bin Ihnen sehr dankbar für Ihre Hilfe und Gastfreundschaft während meines Aufenthalts in London.
I am most grateful to you for all your help and hospitality during my stay in London.
Many thanks for all your help and hospitality during my trip to London.
Um Antwort wird gebeten.
RSVP (Respondez s’il vous plait)
Ihr Zeichen: ABC
Your ref: ABC
clean driving license
wenn Man keine Unfall gehabt hat
1 Would you like to add anything with/to/at this point?
at this point
Can we postpone this topic to/until/for the next meeting?
Can we postpone until the next meeting?