Misc Flashcards
6 causes of bone deformity
o Congenital o Rickets/ osteomalacia o Bone dysplasia o Physeal injury o Fracture malunion o Paget’s dx
6 causes of joint deformity
o Skin contracture- burn o Fascial contracture- Dupuytren's o Muscle contracture – Volkmann's o Muscle imbalance o Joint instability o Joint destruction
Hx for knee
- locking
- giving way
- pain (one point or whole joint line)
- pain when climbing stairs or standing
- stiffness: morning or constant
- swollen
- noise along joint
- functional: can walk? climb stairs? squat down?
What muscle weakness you expect in sciatic nerve injury?
- ankle flexion/ extension/ inversion/ eversion
- great toe extension
What are the side effects of H&L
with repeated injections
- lowered efficacy
- risk of tendon rupture
- infection
- hypo pigmentation over site of injection
- steroid flare
- fat necrosis
- periarticular osteoporosis
The 3 stages of RA
1: synovitis
2: destructive
3: deformity
X ray features of RA
1: ST swelling and osteoporosis around joints
2: narrowing of joint spaces, small periarticular erosions
3. marked articular destruction, joint deformity and dislocation
- inheritance
- skeletal abnormalities
bony dysplasia of sphenoid
long bone abnormalities like pseudoarthrosis of tibia
Mgx of gout
non pharm: weight loss, avoid high purine food (red meat, beans)
- xanthine oxidase inhibitor (allopurinol)
- uricosuric agent (probenecid)
acute flare: NSAID, colchicine
Mgx of ganglion
Conservative: - follow up in 1 year - cyst aspiration SX: - excision with partial synovectomy
bankart vs hillsach lesions
both from anterior dislocations of the shoulder
bankart: anteroinferior lesion on gelooid labrum
hillsach: posterolateral lesion of humeral head
Criteria for Ankylosing Spondylitis
Rome criteria
NY critieria
- B/l Sacroilitis >grade1 or unilateral sacroilitis >grade 2 AND any of the following
> LBP inflammatory
> dec lumbar spine movement in sagittal and frontal planes
> dec chest expansion
Grading of ankylosing spondylitis radiologically
1: widening of joint
2: joint erosion
3: sclerosis on both sides
4: ankylosis
Types of seronegative spondyloarthritis
PAIRS - psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing arthritis, IBD, Reiter, Still’s disease
Causes of sacroilitis
Psoriatic, UC, behcet, crohns, ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter
Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis
and extraskeletal manifestations
11 As of Anks Spons
- Appearance: question mark posture
- Army boys
- Arthritis: axial - cervical, lumber, SIJ TMJ, costovertebral joints (if peripheral jts,LL>UL)
- Ankylosis severity: posture, occiput wall distance, thoracolumbar ROM, schober test, chest expansion
cx: radiculopathy, spinal stenosis, myelopathy - Atlanto-axial instability
- Achilles tendinitis and other forms of enthesitis (plantar, prebatellar, costochondritis)
- Anterior uveitis
- Aortitis, AR
- AV nodal block, Arrhythmias
- Apical interstitial lung disease
- AA Amyloidosis (abdomen)
- IgA nephropathy
- Anemia
x ray findings of ankylosing spondylitis
SIJ: erosion and fuzziness Vertebrae: - squaring - erosion at vertebrae corners and sclerosis (Romanus lesion) - syndesmophytes - face joint effusion, vertebral fusion - bamboo spine - costovertebral joint involvement - atlantoaxial dislocation - osteoporosis, hyperkyphosis of thoracic spine
Mgx of ankylosing spondylitis
- genetic counselling (AD), fall prevention, lifestyle modification - physiological, exercise, avoid rest
- meds: NSAIDs, sulphasalazine
- RT
- anti TNFalpha (infliximab)
- steroid injections
- arthroplasty of joints
- spine osteotomy (rare)
Features of psoriatic arthritis
- asymmetrical polyarthritis
- IPJ of fingers and toes > arthritis mutilans
- sacroilitis and spondylitis in 1/4 of patients
- no rheumatoid nodules
- psoriasis of skin and nails (skin folds)
Reiter triad
non specific urethritis (or colitis)
What is still’s disease and its types
Juvenile chronic arthritis - non infective inflammatory joint dz in children <16yo
- pauciarticular JCA (commonest): medium size joints
- polyarticular seropositive JCA: juvenile RA
- seronegative spondarthritis: juvenile AS
- systemic JCA (classic still): fever, rash, malaise, LN, hepatosplenomeg, joint swelling
Differentials for monoarthritis
GHOST: gout, haemarthrosis, osteoarthritis, septic, trauma
Gouty involvement
MTPJ of big toes (podagra), ankle, finger joints, tendoachilles, olecranon bursae, pinnae of ears, lesser toes
gout x ray features
punched out lesions in para-articular bone ends with overhanging edges
erosion with joint space preservation
may have secondary OA
Mgx of gout
Acute: rest, NSAID, colchicine Chronic: - weight loss, stop alcohol, diuretics - xanthine oxidase inhibitor: allopurinol - uricosuric drug: probenecid
components of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition
synovial fluid findings
- chondrocalcinosis: calcific material in articular cartilage and menisci
- pseudo gout: crystal induced acute synovitis
- chronic pyrophosphate arthropathy: degenerative joint disease in non weight bearing joints
- affects larger joints
weakly positively birefringent rhomboid shaped crystals in synovial fluid
Causes of secondary osteoporosis
- osteogenesis imperfecta
- trisomy 18
- ehler danlos syndrome
- inborn errors of metabolism
- neuromuscular diseases and dystrophies
- gonadal dysgenesis
- endocrine: hypogonad, adrenal cortical (Addison, cortical hyperplasia), pituitary (cushing, acromegaly), hyperthyroidism, hyperPTH
- DM
- Disuse atrophy
- Nutrition deficiency (vit C, protein, calcium, malnutrition)
- Liver dz
- Iatrogenic (steroid, heparin)
What is Paget disease (osteitis deformans)
increased osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity resulting in enlargement and thickening of bone but abnormal and brittle internal architecture
- in pelvis and tibia commonest
s/s of Paget disease
dull pain bone - tibia and femoral bowing - enlarged and flattened skull - kyphosis - otosclerosis (deafness) Neuro: - CN compression - spinal cord/ nerve root compression Steal syndrome: - cerebral impairment, spinal ischemia, high output cardiac failure
what is maffucci syndrome
multiple enchondromas + haemangiomas of skin and viscera
what is osteogenesis imperfecta
heritable CT disorder: abnormal synthesis and structural defects of T1 collagen
bone fragility, osteopenia, recurrent #
ligament laxity
crumbling teeth
x ray: generalised osteopenia # in various stages of healing vertebral compression spinal deformity