Misc Flashcards
Here (next to me)
There (next to you)
Over there
This (as in “this bird”).
Ex: この とりは…
That (as in “that bird [next to you]”)
Ex: そのとりは…
That (as in “that bird [over there]”).
Ex: あのとりは…
の (particle)
Indicates possession. Or, connects two words.
Ex: 私の本はしろいです。(My book is black).
Or: あなたのお母さん… (Your mother…)
Or: コアラのしゃしん。(Photo of a koala).
に (particle)
Indicates the location of an object or person. Also, indicates the destination of an action and indicates the person who is receiving an action.
Ex: 母はデパートへいきます。(Mother goes to the store).
Note: Using “へ” in this case would also work. They are sometimes interchangeable.
Or: バスにのります。(Rides the bus).
Or: 渡辺さんにでんわをかけますか。(Have you called Watanabe?)
は (particle)
Indicates the theme of the phrase. When は is used to indicate a subject, usually it involves a topic already presented.
から (particle)
Indicates where the beginning of an action takes place, or its starting point.
Ex. 学校からかえります。(Returns from school).
が (particle)
Indicates the subject of the phrase. Used usually to introduce for the first time information involving the subject.
で (particle)
Indicates instruments executing an action. Also, indicates location of where an action occurs.
Ex: ナイフできります。(Cuts with a knife).
Ex: プールでおよぎます。(Swims in/at the pool).
Ex: バスでいきます。(Goes by bus).
へ (particle)
Indicates the direction of an action.
Ex: 母はデパートへいきます。(Mother goes to the store).
Note: Using “に” in this case would also work. They are sometimes interchangeable.
This object (close to me).
That object (close to you).
That object (over there).
と (particle)
And (in terms of connecting objects).
Ex: 先生と母… (Teacher and mother…)
を (particle)
Indicates the complement of the verb.
Ex: 本をよみます。
も (particle)
Also/as well