Misc Flashcards
For any reports of missing FF…
IC request next greater alarm assignment
the Division or Group Officer shall contact Command to activate Rapid Intervention Team operations after…
two failed verbal or radio attempts to contact the firefighter with the activated P.A.S.S. device or a member of the company that can account for the activation
Location, Unit, Name of crew members, Assignment, Resources needed
When to give UCAN report and what is it
- upon locating FF
- Unit number (Crew making transmission) - Conditions (what they encountered)
- Actions (what are they doing to rectify
- Needs (additional needs or manpower)
- Interior structural firefighting operations will not begin until…
- Exceptions?
Two-In Two-Out
- until two firefighters are available outside the IDLH atmosphere to monitor the safety of the interior team
- Exceptions
-signs of a victim rescue situation, realistic expectation of victim rescue.
-incipient stage fire or outside fire Is executed with less than 4 people
PPE should be cleaned every…
6 MONTHS or after contact with hazardous materials
VibraAlert activates when…
supply reaches 1500 psi or 1⁄3 of the total air supply
Primary indicator of air supply
Smoke Color
- Whitish- Incipient Fire
- Brown- wood or natural product
- Black- Hydrocarbon, plastic, or synthetic materials
- Yellowish/greenish under pressure- Oxygen deficient fire with backdraft potential
- Heavy, rolling, black under pressure- conditions common with impending Flashover
Type of building more likely to require Ventilation and safest way to accomplish
- Commercial Occupancy
- removing skylight while on arial device
DE shall remain on turntable when…
whenever members are operating on the aerial ladder or in the bucket, as well as when they have moved from the aerial/platform
Arial placements dependent of 4 Conditions:
Immediate rescue
Frontage of building to be covered
Amount of smoke, heat, and/or fire present
Presence of any area or street conditions that may affect best positioning (i.e. narrow alleyways, elevated roads, powerlines, street lights)
Aerial apparatus should be positioned so that the ladder tip is extended at least…
5 ft past roof level (6 ft in operator book)
ladder distance away from powerline
10 ft
Position the ladder so that it is approximately ____ inches away from the objective. Aerial ladders, booms, and baskets should never be allowed to rest upon any object
6-8 inches
Arial tip loads for TRT use
Different manufactures
- Pierce: 1000lbs
- E-One: 750lbs
Overhaul operations Generally start when…
the fire has been declared “under control”
-size up
-locate fire
-identify flow path
-cool the space
-extinguish fire
1st and 2nd Priorities in Defensive Operations
-1st: Protect Exposures
-2nd: extinguish the fire
When the order to evacuate is given, all available and appropriately equipped units in the immediate vicinity will sound their air horns intermittently in what manor…
one second on, one second off for thirty (30) seconds.