Misc Flashcards
What are the most common sites of breast cancer metastases?
Bone, lung and liver
The rate of breast cancer relapse is highest in the first X years
5 years - more than half of these recurrences occur in the first 3 years
If a pt undergoes breast conservation therapy, when should the first follow-up diagnostic mammogram should be?
6 months
If a pt previously received breast conservation recurrs, what should be the next surgery
Should one resect chest wall recurrence of breast CA?
If it can be completely excised -yes. Otherwise consider XRT and definitely chemotherapy
Risk factors for male breast CA
Abnl estrogen and androgen balance, increase in estrogen (e.g. cirrhosis and obesity), Klinefelter syndrome, BRCA2, fx
What testicular abnl are associated with an increased risk of breast CA in men?
Undescended testes, congential inguinal hernia, mumps orchitis after age 20, orchiectomy and infertility
Klinefelter syndrome is associated with what-fold increase in male breast CA?
50-fold increase
Is gynecomastia a risk factor for male breast CA?
Is fx a risk factor for male breast CA?
Yes. 15-20% of pts have a positive family hx
What is significant about BRCA2 associated male breast CA?
Men present at a younger age, often with bilateral disease, poorer survival
90% of all male breast cancers are what histological sub-type?
Invasive ductal carcinoma. Remaining 10% is DCIS.
Why is male lobular carcinoma rarely seen
Men don’t have terminal lobules in the normal male breast
What is the work-up for male breast CA?
The same as women. H&P, mammogram, US if indicated, bx. Metastatic work-up for more advanced disease.
What is the prognosis for male breast CA?
Same as women, although men tend to present at later stages
What is the treatment for male breast CA?
Mastectomy and axillary lymph node dissection
What is the first-line adjuvent therapy for male breast CA?
Hormonal therapies because most tumors are ER positive
What is the risk of developing contralateral breast CA in men?
30-fold increased risk
If studies demonstrated no difference between adjuvent and neoadjuvent therapy, what is the benefit of neoadjuvent?
Pts who develop a pathologic complete response at the time of surgery have demonstrated a survival benefit.
If a SLNBx is + for MACROmetastatic dz, what % of cases will have additional positive LNs during an axillary dissection?
50% of cases with a positive SNLBx will have additional LN involved with metastatic disease
If a SNLBs is + for MICROmetastatic dz, what % of cases will have additionally affected LN after an axillary dissection?
10-15% of cases will have additionally affected LNs found after an axillary dissection
What are the complications following a SNLBx?
Wound infection, hematoma, seroma, paresthesias, lymphadema, decreased ROM.