Misc. Flashcards
What is the compliance period?
4 months and 6 months from filing or earliest priority date, if there is one, or 12 months from issuance of the first examination report, if this expires later.
If a new priority claim is added to a UK application which is earlier than the previous earliest claimed date, what deadlines are recalculated?
Compliance period.
Inventorship and filing priority documents (16 months).
What is the deadline for inventorship declaration?
16 months from filing or earliest priority date.
What is the deadline for the submission of priority documents?
16 months from filing or the earliest priority date.
What are the remedies for patent infringement?
They include injunctions, delivery up or destruction, and damges or an account of profits.
Can a late claim to priority be made upon entry into the UK national phase?
Yes, form and a fee. Within 1 month of entry into national phase. Reason for missing the priority period must be stated at time of filing request. Evidence can be provided later.
What is the deadline for making a late claim to priority (12 month period missed)?
Depends - the important thing is that the later application was filed within 14 months of the first filing (2 months late) .
What is the deadline for making a late declaration of priority?
16 months from first application.
How can a patent application (UK) be transferred into a new owners name?
Form 21 - no need to record deal transaction. Fee.
Do translations of deal documents need to be filed at IB?
When do changes of ownership stop being recordable at the EPO?
After 9 month opp period, if none filed.
If opp or appeal pending, until end of appeal periods.
What is it important to remember with a withdraw and re-file strategy?
The first application needs to be withdrawn (leaving no rights outstanding) prior to filing of the second application.
What must someone provide to a patent proprietor when requesting a declaration of non-infringement?
Full particulars of the supposed non-infringing act/product.
What needs to be shown when applying for an interim injunction?
That there is a serious issue to be tried and that the balance of inconvenience is in favour of the client.
What is the situation w.r.t renewal fees for a UK patent that grants late (after 4 years)?
The renewal date rolls to the end of the month 3 months from grant. The 6 month renewal grace period runs from then.
What part of the month are renewals due to be paid?
Always the end of the month.
Does a sole licencee have a statutory right to enforce a patent?
What is required and by what deadline if a GB is filed by reference to an earlier application not in English or Welsh?
Certified copy of the priority document by 16m
Translation of priority document by 3 months from filing date.
An English description - separate act to translation of priority document, by 2m from filing date.
What is the deadline for restoration of a UK patent?
19 months from the date on which it lapsed (original missed renewal).
If renewal was due April 2015 then deadline to request restoration is November 2016 (the end of the month).
13 months from missed deadline - last month to pay original renewal fee.
What is the difference between restoration and reinstatement?
Restoration is for lapsed patents, reinstatement is for a patent application that has been deemed withdrawn following failure to meet with a procedural deadline.
What is the deadline, and requirement, for reinstatement?
unintentional and within 12m of missed deadline, always comment on 3rd party rights if published application.
Up until when can a divisional application be filed in the UK?
They can be filed up until 3 months before the end of the compliance period.
The compliance period can be extended by two months as of right and by a further two months if a reason is given at the discretion of the IPO.
Is insufficiency a ground that can form the basis of a UKIPO opinion?
No. It can at EPO opposition.
How long does a decision w.r.t secrecy directions take at the UKIPO?
6 weeks during which time no foreign filing or demonstration is allowed.
What is the GP for designs?
1 year
Does the GP for designs apply for disclosures in the US?
What occurs w.r.t to renewals fees if a GB patent grants within 3 months of the anniversary of filing?
A 3 month period from the grant date is allowed for the payment of the renewal fee.
What are the remedies for infringement? (5)
damages, or account of profits, final injunction, delivery up or destruction, declaration of validity and infringement (and costs).
What are the remedies for infringement? (5)
damages, or account of profits, final injunction, delivery up or destruction, declaration of validity and infringement (and costs).
When filing a divisional application within the last 6 months of the compliance period, what must be done on filing? (5)
Search and Exam request (and pay fees)
Form 7 (inventorship)
Pay application fee
If the notification of intention to grant is not the first communication from the UKIPO what is the time limit set for the filing of any divisional applications?
1 month
If a UK patent grants after 5 years have passed from filing, and the original 3 month from grant period to pay the renewal fees in respect of the 5th and 6th year has expired, how many late fees are there to pay?
Still only the one (if paying both overdue renewals at same time).