Mis Vacaciones Pasadas) Flashcards
I went
Fui con
I went with
Fui a
I went to
Fui en
I went by
Fui en avión
I went by plane
Fui en tren
I went by train
Fui en carro
I went by car
Fui en taxi
I went by taxi
Fui en crucero
I went by cruise ship
con mis padres
with my parents
con mis amigos
with my friends
con mis vecinos
with my neighbours
con mis parientes
with my relatives
con mis hermanos
with my siblings
en el verano
in the summer
en el invierno
in the winter
en la primavera
in the spring
en el otoño
in the fall/in Autumn
el mes pasado
last month
la semana pasada
last week
el año pasado
last year
el fin de semana pasado
last weekend
el verano pasado
last summer
durante la Navidad
during Christmas
Yo nadé
I swam
Yo compré
I bought
Yo comí
I ate
Yo bebí
I drank
Yo vi
I saw
Yo visité
I visited
Yo hice
I did/I made
Yo viajé
I travelled
Nosotros fuimos
We went
Nosotros nadamos
We swam
Nosotros compramos
We bought
Nosotros comimos
We ate
Nosotros bebimos
We drank
Nosotros visitamos
We visited
Nosotros viajamos
We travelled
Nosotros vimos
We saw
Nosotros hicimos
We did/made
Nos divertimos
We enjoyed ourselves
Me divertí
I enjoyed myself
el tiempo
Hizo calor
It was hot
Hizo frío
It was cold
Hizo mal tiempo
The weather was bad
Hizo buen tiempo
The weather was fine
Hizo viento
It was windy
Hizo sol
It was sunny
Estuvo nublado
It was cloudy
It rained
Hubo tormenta
There was a storm
Fui en barco
I went by boat
Fui a pie
I went by foot/on foot
I walked