MIS/Cardiogenicshock/aneurysms Flashcards
What are DRGs
hospitals doing their best to prevent readmissions of patients… if they are readmitted then the insurance companies will not pay for stay
this risk factors for CAD are just
risk factors! they are not known to cause CAD
ACS refers to what?
unstable angina
what happens to people with unstable angina
put in observation bed for 24 hours
define after load
the pressure that the ventricles must over come in order to push blood out of the aorta
what is angina pectoris?
pain caused by ischemia due to poor blood flow caused by clogged up veins
what can cause chest pain
aortic disection cholecystisis anxiety and depression muscle strain costochondritis esophegeal spasm PE herpes zoster GERD pericarditis pneumonia pneumothorax pulmonary hypertension pancreatisis
questions to ask about chest pain (the 5 Ws)
what does it feel like where is it located what makes it worse what causes it what makes it better
also ask about
quality location duration intensity accompanying symptoms aggravating and relieving factors (ask about exercise to rule out any ischemic causes of pain) ask family and self history age (CAD is more common the older you get)
factor associated with chest pain
cold (men over 50 cover mouth when cold outside)
eating heavy
physical exertion
stable angina
predictable and persistant angina relieved by rest or nitroglycerin
unstable angina
preinfarction/crescendo angina- caused by ischemia, may or may not be relieved with nitro/rest
how much nitro can you give
3 5 minutes apart, if not relieving chest pain call the doctor
variant angina
pain at rest that causes an ST elevation, thought to be caused by coronary vasospasm
clinical manifestations of an MI
impending sense of death apprehension neck jaw shoulders innerportion of arm (normally left arm) tightness heavy choking strangling feeling like a vice diabetic neuropathy may be blunt pain women have symptoms like indigestion
silent ischemia
clinical manifestations of an MI but patient reports no pain
gender role in chest pain
more common in women over 50 and men over 40
chest pain is different in women
signs and symptoms of mis that women experience
fatigue, tiredness, sleep disturbances before a cardiac event
red flags in the VS of a cardiac event
abnormal vital signs bradycardia or tachycardia tachypnea hypertension hypotension
red flag symptoms of an MI/ unstable angina
pallor sweating dyspnea nausea productive cough (caused by remodeled LV which means fluid backing into lungs, which means pt is going into HF)
assessment and diagnostic findings of CAD
ECG Twave inversion Cardiac biomarkers echocardiogram halter monitor cardiac catheterization nuclear scan
medical management of CAD
pharmacological therapy
reperfusion such as PTCA (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty)
Treating angina
VIP slide
if pt has pain or prodromal symptoms (indegestion, choking, heaviness, weakness) take immediate action
stop all activity and bed rest in semi fowlers
measure vs
12 lead ecg
ST and T wave changes
Nitro sublingual tabs, give up to 3 times or as stated by provider
assess VS after each administation of nitro
give oxygen by 2 L of o2
identifying types of MIs
Nstemi stemi anterior wall inferior wall posterior wall lateral wall point in time acute evolving old
sign of an old MI
Q wave
RCA/PDA occlusion
RV/RA infarct front and back
alters lung perfusion
may act as hypovolemic since it can’t return blood to the heart
LAD/Circumflex occlusion
LA/LV circumflex occlusion - front to back
Alters perfusion to the rest of the body
Left main occlusion
"widow maker" most critical- feeds the LV many never make it to the hospital (fatal rhythm) emergent CABG cannot stent
acute inferior wall mi
leads II, III, and AvF represent ECG changes in ST elevation developing Q waves and T wave inversions
anterior wall MI
more serious and worst prognosis
ST segment elevation and leads I, aVL and precordial leads overlying the anterior lateral surfaces of the heart
clinical manifestations of MI
some prodromal symptoms chest pain SOB Indigestion nausea anxiety cool, pale, moist skin elevated HR and RR
assessment and diagnostic findings in cardiovascular system of an MI
chest pain not relieved by nitro, palpitations, heart sounds, s3, s4, and new onset murmur
heart sounds such as S3, S4
BP may be elevated or decreased (depends on sympethetic stimulation could be elevated, could be decreased because of impending cardiogenic shock or medications) irregular pulse may indicate a fib
respiratory findings in MI
crackles if MI had caused pulmonary congestion
Gi findings in an MI
nausea, indigestion, vomiting
Skin findings during MI
cool, clammy, diaphoretic, pale
neurologic findings during MI
anxiety, restlessness, lightheadness